
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


محیی الدّین ابن عربی، به عنوان پدر عرفان نظری پس از سهروردی به طراحی عالم خیال همت گماشت و اصول عرفان او بر حکمت متعالیه تأثیر فراوانی گذارد؛ چنانچه نظریه تجرّد خیال و وساطت و طریقت عالم خیال در شکل گیری حکمت متعالیه از اهمیت فراوانی برخوردار است. ابن عربی فقط ذات باری تعالی را حق و حقیقت می داند و تمامی عالم ممکنات را حیطه خیال و مثال مطلق الهی تلقی می کند و عقیده دارد، خیال به علت آنکه جامع ضدین- عقل و حواس مادی- است مظهریت از اسم «قوی» خداوند دارد.در این مقاله، تلاش شده با استناد به آراء حکما و عرفای اسلامی، به ویژه پدر عرفان نظری – محیی الدین ابن عربی؛ اولاً: تعریفی جامع از عالم مثال (خیال) ارائه شود. ثانیاً: جایگاه این عالم در عرفان را به عنوان یکی از عوالم وجودی مشخص کند و نتیجه گیری نماید که: کشف و شهود، رؤیت انبیا و ملائکه و قدیسان، حضور ارواح طیبه ائمه اطهار(ع) در هنگام مرگ، وحی و الهام و معراج پیامبر(ص) در عالم خیال منفصل اتفاق می افتد

The Parable (Fiction) Universe in Mohyeddin Ibn Arabis Mystical School

As the ancestor of theoretical mysticism, Mohyeddin Ibn Arabi tried his hand on designing the fiction universe after Sohrevardi, during which the mystical principles made an impact upon his sublimed school of mind greatly, so that the theory of philosophy of fiction and the intermediation and abstraction of the world of fiction is of great significance in making up his sublimed school of mind. He believes in the Almighty's own existence as the mere truth and the whole world of phenomena are the formation of both arcs of ascent and descent and the scope of fiction and the absolute divine parable. Ibn Arabi believes that since fiction is a aggregate of antithetical, that is wisdom and materialistic sensations, it is a manifest of a "strong" name of God. He deems the limbo of this world and the next one to be like a distinct line between the sunlight and the shadow. In this paper, the writer has endeavored to draw on the philosophers' and Islamic mystics' ideas, specifically those of Mohyeddin Ibn Arabi, to primarily give a comprehensive definition of the fiction or parable universe and its nature, and then designate the status of this world in mysticism to be as one of the worlds of existence and the reciprocal impact and affect of that against the mystical journey which ends up to apocalypse and intuition. Thirdly, the meaning of some important trainings including separate fiction, limbo, the eighth heaven, resurrection land, etc. are sought and is concluded that 'apocalypse and intuition , meeting prophets and angels and saints, the presence of impeccable soul of imams upon one's death, revelation, and inspiration and ascent of the prophet Mohammad all happen in the detached world of fiction.
