
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


بر پایه گزارش ابن اسحاق (150-151ق)، پیامبر(ص) به هدف دعوت فردی به نام رکانه بن عبد یزید به اسلام، با او کشتی گرفته و امر کرده اند تا درختی به سوی آنان بیاید و به جای خویش برگردد. دو واقعه متوالی کشتی گرفتن و حرکت درخت در گزارش ابن اسحاق (150-151ق)، در منابع تاریخی و حدیثی در قالب دو روایت مستقل کشتی گرفتن و معجزه حرکت درخت نقل شده است. افزون بر اختلاف منابع در نحوه نقل دو واقعه، صحت و اعتبار این گزارش ها نیز نیازمند تأمل و بررسی است. مقاله حاضر ضمن اعتبارسنجی سندی و بررسی تبار گزارش ها، بر رصد تغییرات متنی و تحلیل آنها و مقایسه متون با یکدیگر تمرکز کرده است تا علاوه بر شناسایی مصدر اصلی گزارش ها، اصالت و اعتبار آنها را نیز روشن کند. نتایج این پژوهش نشان می دهد گزارش های موجود از واقعه کشتی گرفتن و حرکت درخت، دچار اضطراب متنی اند و ازنظر زمان، اهداف و اشخاص مؤثر در گزارش، در تعارض با یکدیگر قرار دارند. نتایج تاریخ گذاری گزارش ها نیز حاکی از آن است که گزارش ابن اسحاق (150-151ق) به عنوان قدیمی ترین نسخه در دسترس از این واقعه، که دو موضوع کشتی گرفتن و معجزه حرکت درخت را در خود جای داده است، مصدر دیگر گزارش های بعدی بوده است. نظر به اینکه که گزارش ابن اسحاق (150-151ق) ازنظر انتساب، مخدوش و ازنظر ساختار متنی نیز فاقد ملاک های معتبر است، گزارش های مبتنی بر آن نیز فاقد اعتبار محسوب می شوند.

Validation of the Reports of the Prophet's Wrestling with Rukanah and the Miracle of the Tree Movement in Islamic Sources

According to ibn Ishaq, the Prophet (PBUH) wrestled with Rukana ibn al-Abdu Yazid to invite him to Islam and ordered a tree to come to him and then return to its place. Two consecutive events of wrestling and the tree movement in ibn Ishaq's report are reflected in Islamic sources in the form of two independent narrations of wrestling and the miracle of the tree movement. In addition to the differences in sources in how the two events are narrated, the accuracy and credibility of these reports need to be considered. Therefore, the present article focused on observing the textual changes and analyzing them and comparing the texts with each other, while validating the documents and examining the decency of the reports. The results of this study showed that the existing reports of wrestling and tree movement were suffering from textual anxiety and had conflicts in terms of time, goals, and the people involved. The results of the dating of the reports also indicated that ibn Ishaq's report was the oldest available version of this event, which included the two themes of wrestling and the miracle of the tree movement. It had been the source of other subsequent reports. Since ibn Ishaq's report was distorted in terms of attribution and lacked valid criteria in terms of textual structure, the reports based on it were also considered invalid. Introduction One of the miracles of the Prophet of Islam is moving a tree, which is mentioned in some sources, along with the Prophet’s wrestling and fight with Rukanah ibn al-Abdu Yazid. According to ibn Ishaq’s narration (150-151 AH), Rukanah was one of the Arab warriors in the ignorant period, who met the Prophet (PBUH) in one of the valleys of Mecca. To accept Islam, the Prophet (PBUH) offered him wrestling. The Prophet (PBUH) asked Rukanah would believe in his prophethood if he was defeated. Rukanah answered in the affirmative and he was defeated by the Prophet three times. While Rukanah was ashamed and surprised by his failure, the Prophet (PBUH) said that he could do something more wonderful for his. He ordered the tree near them and it came towards them and then returned to its place at the (ibn Hisham, n.d., Vol. 1, pp. 390-391). This report has been quoted in several historical and narrative sources, and some sources have reproduced it without textual changes (Karajeki, 1410, Vol. 1, p. 211) and some others have made changes to the body of the story and its details (Ravandi, 1409 AH, pp. 297-298). This article dealt with their validations and the correctness of attribution besides dating the existing reports in this field.  Material & Methods This article used the method of internal criticism and the external method for analyzing the reports. The reports diverged into the 3 categories of A, B, and C as follows: Text A: The Prophet's wrestling with Rukanah ibn al-Abdu Yazid and the miracle of the moving tree; Text B: The Prophet's wrestling with Rukanah; and Text C: The miracle of the moving tree. Conclusions 1) The three reports of the story of wrestling and the movement of the tree, were related to the period of the second to the fourth century AH in terms of time of compilation in the Islamic sources. Ibn Ishaq’s report (150-151 AH) and the independent report of wrestling were popular in the second century and the report of the tree movement in Shiiah and Sunni sources dated back to the third and fourth centuries AH. Since none of these three texts had credible documents, it was not possible to prove their documentary assignments to the alleged period, i.e., the period of ignorance and the era of prophethood. Ibn Ishaq’s report (150-151 AH) had no documents, the independent report of wrestling was a distorted and weak document, and the report of the miracle of moving a tree also had no valid documents. 2) The three reports about wrestling and the miracle of moving the tree were textually confused and contradictory. The contradiction in time meant the attribution of wrestling to the ignorant or Islamic period, contradiction in the goal, which included the holy goal of calling to Islam and just fighting for entertainment, and the conflict in characters in the miracle of the tree movement, which included focusing on Rukanah’s character or a Bedouin person in the report. Ahl al-Sunnah and the famous Arab physician or Quraysh elders were among these cases in Shiiah reports. Contradictions in detail were also among the other things that existed in the texts of the reports. The number of ships in the ship capture report changed from two to three times. 3) The languages of the reports had become more technical from the second to the fourth century AH. In the report of the tree movement in the attributed commentary to Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS), the use of words, testifying to the period of Ali’s Imamate, the mention of the principle of Tawali and Tabarri, had made the language of the text appropriate to the late Shiite discourse in the third century AH. In ibn Ishaq’s text (150-151 AH), the language of the text had an obvious change from ibn Ishaq (150-151 AH) to Qutbuddin Rawandi and the verbal strains were prominent in his text. 4) Based on the historical precedence of ibn Ishaq's report (Text A) over others, his text was the source of other texts and the textual changes that had taken place were the result of separating his report into two independent reports and adding further details to the original text. Since ibn Ishaq's report (150-151 AH) lacked the necessary authenticity and credibility, the authenticity and credibility of the other texts could not be proven on the same basis and based on the languages of the texts and their later discourses.
