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اسلام با توجه به ماهیت سیاسی- اجتماعی خود اغلب نقشی پررنگ در سیاست جوامع اسلامی داشته است. این نقش، رژیم های اقتدارگرای حاکم بر این کشورها را ترغیب به بهره گیری از اسلام برای مشروعیت بخشی به اقدامات خود در سیاست داخلی و خارجی نموده است. امارات متحده عربی نمونه بارز دستکاری مذهب و هماهنگ ساختن آن با سیاست از طریق نهادها و شخصیت های مذهبی بوده است.  این نهادها و شخصیت ها حامی برداشتی از اسلام بوده اند که به «اسلام غیرسیاسی» یا «اسلام نوسنت گرا» معروف است. این برداشت؛ مخالف انقلاب، خواستار حفظ وضع موجود و تبعیت بی چون چرا از حاکمان است. پرسش پژوهش این است که اهداف دولت امارات از هماهنگ ساختن مذهب با سیاست خارجی خود چه بوده و برای تحقق این اهداف به چه اقداماتی دست زده است؟ مقاله می کوشد ضمن پرداختن به بنیان های فکری این گرایش، دلایل بهره گیری دولت امارات از آن و نیز اقدامات صورت گرفته در این راستا را بررسی نموده و در نهایت بکارگیری آن را در سه مورد خاص ارزیابی کند. روش تحقیق پژوهش، روش مطالعه موردی است. در این روش تلاش شده است با تمرکز بر مورد امارات، مسئله تلاش دولت این کشور برای هماهنگ ساختن مذهب با سیاست خارجی بررسی شود. 

Aligning Religion with Foreign Policy: The Case of the UAE

Introduction                                   U Islam has always played a significant role in politics and governance in Islamic societies, owing to its political and social nature. This role and significance have led authoritarian regimes in these countries to use Islam for legitimizing their actions in both domestic and foreign policy. The UAE government is a prime example in this respect, as it has manipulated religion and brought it in line with politics. To harmonize religion with its domestic and foreign policy, the UAE government has established its own religious institutions and attracted prominent religious figures, particularly after the so-called Arab Spring. These institutions appear to be independent, but they are fully supported by the UAE government in practice. In addition, prominent Sunni religious figures that support Sufi and non-political Islam are appointed as their leaders. Research Question(s) What were the goals of the UAE government in harmonizing religion with its foreign policy and what measures did it take to achieve these goals? Conclusion The UAE government has taken extensive measures to deal with Islamist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, in order to prevent the spread of the Arab Spring and its potential dangers. One of the measures in this line is creating religious and intellectual foundations to counter Islamism. In response to the Arab Spring, the UAE government established institutions like Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, the Fatwa Council, Tabah Foundation, and other religious centers. It also attracted renowned scholars with mystical and non-political leanings, such as Sheikh Abdallah bin Bayyah, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, Habib Ali Zain al-Abidin al-Jifri, and Ali Nayed. These religious centers have significant financial support from the UAE government and are in competition with religious institutions supported by Qatar’s government. They promote an apolitical or neo-traditionalist Islam that opposes revolution, advocates maintaining the status quo, and supports unquestioning obedience to ruling political systems—a tendency which is also called theology of obedience. The UAE government has tried to use religious institutions to legitimize its actions in the field of politics, especially in the field of foreign policy. In this article, three examples of the efforts made by the political system ruling the UAE to "harmonize religion with foreign policy" have been examined: the Arab Spring, cutting off relations with Qatar, and establishing relations with Israel. In all three of these cases, the mentioned religious institutions fully supported the positions and actions of the UAE government and tried to create religious legitimacy for these actions and positions. In fact, the political system ruling the UAE has been very interested in using religious institutions and figures to legitimize its controversial policies inside and outside the country.
