
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


از مسائل گریبان گیر آموزش معماری شکاف بین دانسته ها و کاربرد آنها در طراحی است. تاکنون راهکارهای مفیدی مبنی بر تغییر روش آموزش معماری ارائه شده، اما همچنان دانشجویان درگیر آن هستند. با بررسی مبانی شناختی آموزش معماری معلوم شد این یک مسئله ذاتی در آموزش است؛ چراکه مبانی آن، بالذات دانستن از عمل کردن را جدا دانسته و به دوگانه انگاری ذهن از بدن در امر شناخت قائل است. پس ارائه راه حل برای آن، به تغییر در روش شناسی با تأمل بر مبانی شناختی آن نیاز دارد. در پژوهش حاضر سعی شده متکی بر مبانی شناختی تن یافته که بر پایه انسجام دانستن و عمل کردن ذیل وحدت ذهن-بدن در امر شناخت نهاده شده، با استدلال منطقی به این مسئله بیندیشد و برای آن راه حل جدیدی ارائه دهد. مبانی جدید از طریق مطالعه منابع کتابخانه ای جمع آوری و مدون شدند و چارچوب نظری پژوهش را شکل دادند. جهت تفهیم این مبانی چند نمونه آزمون تجربی ارائه و تمرین هایی در زمینه درک هندسه بنا و مفاهیم سازه ای به دانشجویان داده شد. تحلیل پاسخ ها نشان داد، نخست فهم عمیق مفاهیم دانش هندسه و سازه وابسته به شناخت تن یافته دانشجو از هندسه و سازه است که عدم کاربرد دانسته ها در عمل ناشی از نبود چنین شناختی است. دوم برای ایجاد آن، ضروری است آموزش معماری متکی بر نقش شناختی و درک بدنمند دانشجو باشد.

Rethinking the Gap between Architectural Knowledge and Its Application by Students (Relying on the Embodiment)

One of the issues in architectural education is the gap between knowledge and its application in the design practice by students. So far, this issue has been addressed from different approaches in many research studies and some solutions have been proposed. However, the issue persists and architectural education continues to grapple with it. This research attempted to rethink this issue from a different approach. The approach is based on the embodied cognition. The basics of embodied cognition clarify the role of human body in the cognition. Cognition means perception of the environment. In this paper, we collected these basics from the written resources. The resources that studied are based on the Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception. He showed that the human body is both subject and an activist in the environment. He emphasized that the interaction between body and environment is the most important agent in perception. Therfore, the research methodology is logical argumentation. The methodology is underlying on the phenomenology of perception and embodied cognition. Also, some part of the methodology is experiment. In the experiment, we selected naive architecture students from Payame Noor University of Iran, who participated in the “understanding and presenting of environment” course in their first semester. Some of the exercises in the lesson were body-based practice. We surveyed all the exercises of the students and compared them with the basics of the research. The results show that one of the reasons for the gap between the knowledge and its application in the design practice is that the cognitive role of student body in the architectural training is not taken into account. Then, if the architectural knowledge and design practice were both based on the embodied cognition, the cognitive, actionable, and representative role of the student's body, the gap between knowledge and its application in the design practice will be reduce. Finally, the student body has a basic role in the architectural knowledge and design. In the body-based practices, we showed what and how the practice can help the student’s body to become active in the training. However, the training and body practice is not the same as some sports, but the practices that can help students to understand the environment and present their understanding. We present some of these practices and students' responses to them. We showed that the name of that practice is embodied experience and it is helpful for architectural students. Then, we proposed other embodied experiences to have an embodied architectural education and training: the same as geometry understanding by showing the Pahlevani and Zoorkhaneh rituals. The rituals take place in the geometric spaces and all actions are based on that geometry. The other one is understanding the structure by doing the bridge movement in bodybuilding sport. It helps students to understand the bridge structure and bearing forces by bridge building.
