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بی گمان حافظ شیرازی از بلندآوازه ترین شاعران زبان فارسی است؛ اما هنوز همه راز و رمزها و علل و عوامل این شهرت و مقبولیّت، با وجود پژوهش های شایسته و فراوان، کشف و بیان نشده است و همچنان پژوهشگرانِ حوزه های مختلف ادبیات و عرفان، به ویژه با روش ها و رویکردهای جدید نقد ادبی و سبک شناسی در این راه می کوشند. در این مقاله، با شیوه ای توصیفی تحلیلی یکی از خلاقیت ها و ظرایف زبانی و معنایی شعر حافظ بررسی می شود و ابعاد و نکته های ناگفته ای از آن کشف و بازنمایی خواهد شد. نگارنده در این پژوهش می کوشد تعبیر و اصطلاح «آن» را در شعر حافظ کاربردشناسی و منظورشناسی کند و با دو رویکرد صورتگرایی و تأویلی، رفتارها، خلاقیت ها و مقاصد شاعر را از کاربرد «آن» بررسی کند. نگارنده ضمن اشاره به کاربردهای «آن» در دستور زبان (ضمیر و صفت اشاره)، بیشتر به مفاهیم اصطلاحی و عرفانی «آن» در زبان عارفان و به ویژه غزلیات حافظ توجه دارد و به طور خلاصه و در حد توان تبیین می کند که چگونه واژه نشان دار «آن» در شعر حافظ می تواند معانی و کارکردهای مختلف هنری و زیباشناختی ای داشته باشد که پیشتر بیان نشده است. از نتایج عمده این پژوهش آن است که واژه «آن» در شعر حافظ به اغراض مختلفی به کار رفته و با هنر ایهام و ابهام، توسع معنایی یافته است؛ درواقع از این راه، ایجاز و انسجام شعر افزایش یافته و به تفخیم و تعظیم معانی کمک شده است.

Analysis of Hafez's Thousand "an" Poems: Pragmatics and Semantics of the Word "it" in Hafez's Poetry

Undoubtedly, Hafez Shirazi is one of the most famous poets of the Persian language. Despite the many worthy studies, still, some secrets and the causes and factors of this fame and popularity have not been discovered and explained. In the present study, one of the creative linguistic and semantic subtleties of Hafez's poetry has been examined using a descriptive-analytical method, and its dimensions and unsaid aspects have been discovered and represented. In this research, the author tries to interpret the word "an" (it) in Hafez's poetry and investigates the intentions of the poet for the use of "it" with the two approaches of formalism and interpretation. While referring to the uses of "it" in grammar (pronoun and adjective), the author, to the best of his knowledge, paid more attention to the idiomatic and mystical concepts of "it" in the language of mystics and especially Hafez's sonnets. The marked word "it" in Hafez's poetry can have different artistic and aesthetic meanings and functions that have not been studied before. One of the main results of the study is that the word "it" is used for different purposes in Hafez's poetry, and its meaning has been developed with the art of ambiguity and equivocation. In this way, the brevity and coherence of the poem have increased, and the meanings have been honored and magnified. Introduction One of Hafez's rare and apparently small artistic creations in the field of individual style is the highlighting of the pronoun "it". In this regard, he has made significant artistic and meaning-creation aspects. This issue is so well known today that in literary discussions, whenever scholars talk about an indescribable and ambiguous phenomenon or subject, they talk about Hafez’s "it". In this study, some of the unspoken artistic-rhetorical dimensions of the word "it" as a pronoun, adjective, or noun in the whole of Hafez’s sonnets have been categorized and analyzed. Materials and Methods Despite the good efforts of some authors, few, if any, independent and complete study has been done regarding diverse artistic uses of the pronoun "an" in Hafez's poetry and some semantic and aesthetic aspects of this word have been neglected. This study examined "it" in all of Hafez's sonnets and tried to represent all the meanings and purposes of using "it" by Hafez. The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical, which was carried out with the intention of discovering, introducing, and investigating better and more artistic and rhetorical creativity and applications of the word "it". In this research, the Hafez version considered by the author is the Ghani-Qazvini version and in some cases the corrected version of Khanlari. Research Findings The results of this research show that "it" is one of the common and old words that have been taken into consideration in mystical poetry in general, and in Hafez's poetry in particular, and more implicit meanings have been given to it with a kind of defamiliarization. In other words, this word (an: it) has been marked in Hafez’s poetry due to its high frequency of repetition. As a "sign", this word has implicit meanings, i.e. figurative, ironic, and ambiguous. In some of his poems, Hafez Shirazi has beautiful references to the artistic-rhetorical uses and functions of "it". Hafez used "it" as a tool and means of expressing unspeakable and often romantic situations and states. He gave "it" a special character in various verses, and used "it" in a high frequency. Hafez, by consciously choosing the word "it" (considering the brevity and ambiguity in the word), caused the audience to hesitate to try to discover its possible and multifaceted references by reflecting on the meaning of "it". This, in addition to defamiliarization and highlighting, has also caused the personalization of the message. Discussion of Results and Conclusions The general conclusions of this research are as follows: 1) Examining ancient poetry and especially the elements of Hafez's special art and style, with new methods and approaches of literary criticism (such as discourse analysis and semiotics) along with ancient rhetorical issues still has a lot of room for discussion. 2) Some apparently unimportant and underused elements and words in the aesthetics of Hafez's poetry are sometimes of great importance, and accuracy in these cases can pave the way for new readings and the creation of multiple and new meanings of his poetry. 3) It is necessary to make a distinction between the usage and types of roles of the word "it" in Persian grammar and its roles in the grammar of mysticism, especially mystical poetry. 4) Compared to the poets before him, Hafez used the word "it" in more rhetorical, semantic, and mystical purposes and roles, and with all kinds of literary tricks (especially ambiguity, brevity, and coherence). He has distinguished and highlighted this word in his poetry style and expanded and multiplied its explicit and implicit meanings. * Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran (Corresponding Author Email: r.ruhani@kashanu.ac.ir) 2476-3268© The Author(s).Pulished by University of Isfahan                                                                            This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0).
