
پژوهش حاضر، رمان هفت جلدی آتش بدون دود  از نادر ابراهیمی را  بر اساس دو نظریه مهم در روانشناسی انسان گرا (مزلو ، فرانکل) مورد تحلیل قرار داده است؛ هدف از انجام این پژوهش، بررسی میزان تطبیق نظام فکری انسان گرایی با رمان آتش بدون دود است، بدین منظور، نخست محتوای رمان بر اساس هرم نیازهای اولیه مزلو، طبقه بندی و مشخص شد ابراهیمی در جلد نخست بیشترین تمرکز را بر نیازهای زیستی داشته است حال آنکه در جلد های بعدی،  نیاز به امنیت عزت نفس و خودشکوفایی بیشترین فراوانی را دارند، سپس در بخش دوم پژوهش، انواع معناجویی و پذیرش رنج در رمان آتش بدون دود مبتنی با نظریه لوگوتراپی  ویکتور فرانکل مورد تحلیل روان شناختی قرار گرفته است، نتیجه آن که می توان رمان آتش بدون دود را به عنوان اثری منطبق با مولفه های روانشناسی انسان گرا معرفی کرد، هم چنین پژوهش حاضر ثابت می کند نظریه انسان گرایی در روان شناسی می تواند  ابزار فکری لازم جهت خلق متون  اجتماعی- سیاسی را  در اختیار بگذارد.

Psychological analysis of the novel Fire, without smoke based on humanist theories (Abraham Maslow, Viktor Frankl)

Introduction "Fire Without Smoke" is a political-social novel by Nader Ebrahimi. This novel, in seven volumes and more than two thousand pages, corresponds to the social events of the years of writing the book. (Ebrahimi, 2013: 3).  The psychological analysis of the novel provides the literary critic with the tools needed to discover the intellectual and psychological aspects governing the layers of the text and makes it possible to analyze the behavioral actions in the novel; As "the best interpretations about leading literary works have a psychological aspect" (Shamisa, 2006: 251). In this research, humanistic theories (Maslow, Frankel) have been used for the psychological criticism of the "Fire without Smoke Novel". Humanism is a psychological approach that emphasizes the free will and conscious mind of man (Maddy, 1996: 95) and is a reaction to the school of psychoanalysis that considered man to be affected by unconscious complexes. Humanists believed that man has the right to freedom and self-awareness and rejected the unquestionable influence of environmental factors on the formation of human personality. (Bruno, 1991: 158). The purpose of this research is to determine the degree of adaptation of humanistic psychology components in the creation of the novel "Fire Without Smoke" and seeks to answer these questions: - To what extent does this novel correspond to the perspective of humanistic psychology? - What is the frequency of the components of humanistic psychology in the discourse in the novel? - What is the relationship between the social-political themes in the novel Fire without Smoke and the intellectual system of humanism? Research method This research is based on qualitative analysis and library studies. According to this method, the discourse in the seven volumes of the novel "Fire without Smoke" has been extracted and classified based on psychological components and then analyzed. Discuss Paying for the basic living needs, especially water and bread (Ebrahimi, 2009: 1/201) corresponds to the first layer of Maslow's pyramid. Continuous wars - which threaten human life and mental security in the novel (Ebrahimi, 2009: 3/418) - are related to the security layer in Maslow's pyramid. Love in the third layer of Maslow's pyramid is the most frequent theme in the fire without smoke (Ebrahimi, 2009: 5/104). According to Maslow's fourth layer, the main characters in the novel have a lot of self-esteem and respect (Ebrahimi, 2008: 22/2). In the final chapters, extensive cases of self-actualization can be seen as the upper layer of Maslow's pyramid (Ebrahimi, 2009: 7/10). The novel Fire without Smoke is full of sufferings that are mostly imposed on the characters of the novel due to two reasons (ethnic and tribal differences and the oppression of the central government) As if life in this novel happens in suffering. The psychological examination of the suffering in this novel based on Frankl's point of view shows that the heroes of the novel persevere against the sufferings of life by relying on love and hope (Ebrahimi, 2009: 5/298).   Conclusion After analyzing the novel based on Maslow's pyramid, it was concluded that the first volume focuses most on biological needs, and the second volume, in accordance with the second  layer of pyramid, deals with safety needs, and the following volumes focus most on love, actions and emotions. They are social and self-actualization, and from this point of view, the hierarchy of human needs in the novel Fire Without Smoke shows a perfect match with Maslow's division of basic needs. Another result of this research is that, according to Viktor Frankl's theory of logotherapy, acceptance of suffering is one of the most frequent themes in all seven volumes of the novel "Fire Without Smoke", which plays an effective role in developing the character of the heroes of the novel and causes unity, strength and love. As a result, 1. The components of humanism can provide the basis for the creation of political-social texts; 2. Human freedom and power in creating victory is one of the main and common characteristics between humanist psychology and the "fire without smoke novel".  
