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بنای قانونگذار بر این است که قوانین خانواده را طوری تنظیم کند که بنیان آن به آسانی متزلزل نگردد.اشخاص در مقام رویارویی با تحولات اجتماعی، فرهنگی و اخلاقی و ... تمایل به حاکمیت اراده ی خود را دارند. چه گونه می توان اراده ی اشخاص را حاکم دانست در حالی که قواعد آمره، نظم عمومی و اخلاق حسنه ما را به سمت تثبیت وضع موجود هدایت می کنند. در راستای تعادل بین قداست و استواری خانواده و اصل حاکمیت اراده و حق بنیادی تعیین سرنوشت در عقد نکاح، باید بنیان های حقوق خانواده را مشخص کرد تا از این ره یافت، طی طریق، اصولی و به روز باشد. در همین راستا اصول سه گانه ی بنیادین خانواده موقعیت نکاحی، حریم خصوصی شخصی - خانوادگی و نقش قراردادهای خصوصی در برخی از کشورهای کامان لا و مقایسه آن با حقوق ایران بررسی شد. این اصول تا حدی که در راستای پایه های حقوق و اخلاق اسلامی حرکت کنند قابل پذیرش هستند.

A Comparative Study of the Basic Principles of Family Law in Iran and Common law Countries

A comparative study of the fundamental principles of family law in Iran and common law countries(در صورت تایید ،چکیده باید دوباره ترجمه گردد) Abstract Mahboobe Mina(Assistant Professor Of Law Department.University Of Shiraz) Seyed Mohsen Fali(PhD Student In private Law of Shiraz University) Legislations regarding the coupl's rights and duties towards each other are mainly defined based on general definitions. It means determination of definitions such as applicability, interpretation and affirmation of implementation are not being fulfilled by the legislator. Indeed being socially virtuous towards your partner as a legal duty has not been defined by the law makers and as a result of this legal gap some legal experts have no choice but to refer to the codes of society. This surely can cause incoherence in judicial verdicts. As a matter of fact, some legal practitioners adduce to Article 167 of constitution to solve this problem. Clearly, Article 167 recognises Imamiyah jurisprudence as a main source to solve such an unwritten issue and is basicly focused on couples relationship. In the mean time, Lack of legal studies and proper interpretation of family based principals and terms are amongst the other vital reasons causing incoherence in judicial verdicts. Undoubtedly, promotion of marriage as a most basic civil covenant can easily face complicated issues caused by the aforementioned gaps. In this regard, fundamental principles of family law such as conjugality, privacy and contract can be defined using the new consepts of family law proposed by the constitution. This solution is clearly able to create judicial interpretations required for solving current legal problems in this matter. Conjugality, family privacy, Concept Of Contract, Spousal rights
