
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


تحتوی أشعار خلیل حاوی علی صدی الإنسان المعاصر ومصاعبه التی تتحدث عن الألم والمعاناه والظلم الذی تحمله. فهو یعتبر الإنسان فی عصرنا الحاضر، وخاصه الإنسان العربی المعاصر، مخلوقاً أسیراً وقع فی الأزمه الحالیه، ومحاطاً بالقمع. کما تناول فی قصائده المظلمات والأزمات التی جعلت الرجل العربی الحدیث، وخاصه الجیل المعاصر، راکداً، لدرجه أن قصائده تصور أزمه عمیقه ومأساه، وهذه هی نفس الأزمه والحزن الذی أصبح أساس الوجود الإنسانی المعاصر؛ و الشاعر المعاصر لا یجهل وعی الإنسان المعاصر بقهره ومشاکله، ویسعی إلی تفسیر الإنسان المعاصر بالمبدأ الإنسانی. خلیل حاوی لدیه أفکار لإنقاذ البشر فی أشعاره و یستخدم خبراته الوجودیه و یعبر عنها. یعتقد حاوی أن الإنسان المعاصر من أجل إنقاذ نفسه جعل حریه عنوان حیاته وبشعارات مثل؛ الأمل، فی انتظار المعجزه، وبالیقین، النضال، الثوره، الإنتفاضه والمثالیه یحاول العمل بهذه الأفکار وجهوده ونضالاته من أجل إنقاذ الإنسانیه، وخاصه الرجل العربی، وفی کل هذه الظروف یأمل فی تحقیق الحریه التی یرغب فیها.

Release of contemporary man from crisis in Khalil Havi's poems

Khalil Havi's poems contain an echo from contemporary man and his problems and hardships that speak of the pain, suffering and oppressions on him. Havi considers man in the present age, especially Arabic contemporary man, to be a captive creature that is caught in the current crisis and is surrounded by oppression. Poet in his poems also deals with the oppressions and crises that caused man to be stagnant in the present age, to the extent that a deep crisis and tragedy is depicted in his poems, and this is the crisis and sorrow that is the basis of human existence. Havi is not unaware of contemporary man's awareness of his oppression and problems and it is to explain contemporary man with the human principle. In his poems, he considers ideas for human release and uses his existential experiences and expresses them. According to Khalil Havi, contemporary man, in order to free himself, has made release as the top priority of his life and with slogans such as hope, waiting for miracles, certainty, struggle and revolution, resurrection and idealism, strives for release and freedom and alleviation of its pains and sufferings in order to be able to do an action with these ideas and efforts and struggles for the release of humanity, in particular, the Arabic man and in all these circumstances, he hoped to achieve the freedom he wanted.
