
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


من أشهر شعراء المقاومه العرب یکون بلند الحیدری من العراق و سل ی مان الع ی سی من سوریه و عبدالعزیز المقالح من الیمن و عزّالدین المیهوبی من الجزائر. یتطرّق هذا المقال إلی تحلیل الرمزیه فی أدب المقاومه فی العالم العربی، فی شعر هذه الشعراء نماذجاً وأسباب استخدام الرموز فی هذا النوع الأدبی و یعتمد البحث علی المنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی. الرمز والرمزیه من التقنیات الفنیه المستخدمه فی أدب المقاومه ویعبّر بهذه التقنیه عن المعاناه الوطنیه والنفسیه. التعرّف علی الغرب والخوف من الکبت وأخطار الظالمین کالسجن والاغتیال والمنفی وأیضا الرغبه فی التجدّد وتعمیق المعنی وتجسید الإحساسات والمفاهیم ومشارکه المتلقّی فی کشف المعنی، تکون اسباب استخدام الرموز فی أدب المقاومه. تدلّ الرموز فی أدب المقاومه لدی الشعراء العرب علی ما یتعلّق بالاحتلال والثوره علیه ومن أهمه هو الحق والباطل والاحتلال والحریّه والظلم والعداله والثوره والمقاومه والانتفاضه. تدلّ مفردات العنکبوت والغراب والجراد والذئب علی الغصب والغاصبین وتدلّ مفردات الثعبان والعاصفه والکلب والظلمه والدجی علی الظلم والظالمین وتدلّ مفردات المطر و... علی الثوره وتدلّ الرّبیع و... علی الحریّه.

Code and poets of the Arab resistance (Boland al-Heidari, Abdul Aziz al-Maqaleh, Soleiman al-Issa, and Ezz al-Din al-Mihubi as example)

Among the most famous poets of the Arab resistance are Boland Al-Heidari from Iraq, Soleiman Al-Issa from Syria, Abdul Aziz Al-Maqaleh from Yemen, and Ezz al-Din al-Mihubi from Algeria. This article using a descriptive-analytical method studies cryptography in the Arab world and the reasons for its use in poetry by studying the poetry of these poets as an example. Code and decryption are among the practical capacities in the resistance literature, and with this capacity, national and internal sufferings can be expressed. Familiarity with Western literature, fear of suffocation, and oppressive practices such as imprisonment, assassination, and exile, as well as modernism and the deepening of meaning and the embodiment of feelings and concepts, and the audience's participation in discovering meaning, are among the reasons for using code in resistance literature. The code in the resistance literature in Arabic poetry is related to the occupation and the revolution against it, and among the concepts discussed in it are right and wrong, occupation and freedom, oppression and justice, revolution and resistance and intifada. Codes such as spiders and crows and ... to indicate the concept of occupation and occupier, the secrets of dragons and storms and ... to indicate oppression and tyranny and the secrets of rain and wind and ... to indicate the revolution and the codes of spring and green are used to indicate freedom.
