
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إنّ الشکوی حاله شعوریّه تقوم علی وجع داخلیّ یلمّ بالمرء خلال موقف یستوجب التعب والصراخ وأحیاناً البکاء. إنّ حافظ إبراهیم ذاق طعم الشدّه فی حیاته ویحفل شعره بوصف إخفاقهولوعته علی ما فات من السعد. من جانب آخر إنّه سمع شکاوی المظلومین وشارک فی مصائبهم، فنری الشاعر صاحب نفس شاکیه. نجد فی شعره الشاکی الارتباط الوثیق بین معجمه الشعری وبین حالاته الحزینه حیث ألفاظه تبیّن لنا نفساً ألیمه واعتمد الشاعر علی ألفاظ تخلو من الغرابه، واستخدم لغه الماضی فذکر الماضی کان کبلسم یشفی جروحه.

Technical Structure of Complaint from Hafiz Ibrahim Point of View

Emotional complain is derived from the human being inner pains and grief. Hafiz Ibrahim poetry is full of cries and yells because of happiness loss in his life. He has experimented poverty and difficulty and heard the oppressed people complians and shared with them. A strong relationship between his chosen vocabulary and his grief can be seen that the reader would understand the depth of his saddness. His language is simple and has used the simple past tense to express his memories. He also applies the Holy Quran, Haddith and humorous in order to express his sorrow. The complain’s effect also can be seen in his poetry rhyme and rhythm. The words and sentences repeatition helps him to transfer his grief to thev reader and aids to concentrate.
