
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


القناع لیس مجرد حاله من تلبّس شخصیه أخری، یختفی صوت الشاعر المباشر خلفها من بدایه القصیده إلی نهایتها، أو هو الاسم الذی یتحدث من خلاله الشاعر عن نفسه متجردا من ذاتیه، أو هو مجرد، شخصیه تاریخیه... یختبئ الشاعر وراءها لیعبر عن موقف یریده، أو یحاکم نقائص العصر الحدیث من خلالها، أو لیتحدث من ورائه عن بعض شواغله وهمومه، أو لیهرب من الحاضر بخلق بدیل له. یمکننا القول، إنَّ القناع فی شعر العربی له عوامل متعدده منها: العوامل السیاسیه، والاجتماعیه، والفنیه، والثقافیه، والقومیه، وللقناع أنواع، منها: الدینی والصوفی، والتاریخی، والأدبی، والأسطوری، والشعبی، وأنماطه هی البسیط، والمرکب والمخترع. وظف البیاتی شخصیه الإمام الحسین (ع) فی دیوانه بصوره غیر تصریحیه لإثراء تجربته الشعریه وبیان معاناته ومأساه شعبه. إذ تقمص هذا القناع لیسلط الضوء علی العربیه بشکل غیر مباشر ویبرزها بکافه جوانبها الألیمه ووازن فی تقمّصه لهذا القناع بین ملامح تجربیه معاصره والملامح التراثیه باحثا عن نصیر فی ضیاع وطنه.وللشاعر طاقته الابتداعیه فیقوم بتوظیف الشخصیه بحیث تناسبت مع الحاجه العصریه.

The mask and the mask of Imam Hussein (AS) in the poetry of Abdul Wahab al-Bayati

the direct voice of the poet hides from the beginning of the poem to its end, or the name that the poet speaks through which about himself detached from his or her substantiality, or he is just a historic character..., behind that the poet hides himself to interpret the situation that he wants or to criticize the vices of modern age through it, or to speak of it for some of his concerns and worries or to escape from the present by creating a replacement for it. We can say that the mask in Arabic poetry has multiple factors, including: political factors, and social, artistic, cultural, and nationalism, and the mask has types, including: the religious and mystical, historical, and literary, and legendary, and public, and its patterns are simple, and composite and inventor. Bayati employed the personality of Imam Hussein (AS) in his divan that is not in a declarative way to enrich his poetical experience and to state his suffering and the tragedy of his people. The reincarnation of this mask to shed light on the Arab indirectly and to highlight all its painful aspects and he balanced in his reincarnation to this mask between the contemporary experimental features and the traditional ones, looking for a helper in the loss of his homeland. The poet has creative power, so he employs the character that suites the modern needs.
