
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


  القصه القصیره مبنیه علی القصه الواحده التی لها تأثیر واحد وهی تفصیله قصیره من حیاه الإنسان. إن طول القصه القصیره وزمن قراءتها لایأخذ من المستمع والقاریء إلا وقتاً قصیراً. وهی من الفنون المستحدثه التی ظهرت فی العصر الحدیث ولم یعرف العرب هذا النوع من القصه فی العصور الماضیه. ولیس لها جذور فی التراث القصصی وفی الحقیقه أخذها العرب من الأدب الغربی بعد احتکاکهم واتصالهم بالغرب. وإن القصه المصریه القصیره نمت فی أعقاب أحداث الحرب العالمیه الأولی وظهرت مع ظهور وتولد الکثیر من الصراعات فی العالم وما تبعها من ثوره1919، بعد فتره من المترجمات القصصیه الفرنسیه والاقتباسات الصریحه.  ومن رواد القصه العربیه الأوائل جرجی زیدان رائد القصه التاریخیه، وجبران رائد الأقصوصه، ومیخائیل نعیمه الذی تکتمل عنده عناصر الأقصوصه الفنیه، والصفه الغالبه علی الأستاذ محمود تیمور وهو کاتب القصه القصیره.

The Emergence of Short Story and its Features in Egypt

Short story is built on a single story that have a single impact and it is a short detail of human life.The length of the short story and the time to read does not take from the listener and the reader but a short time. And that is one of the updated arts that have emerged in the modern era and Arabs did not know this kind of story in past ages and it has no roots in the heritage of storytelling and in fact, the Arabs took it from Western literature after their relationship and their contact with the West.And the Egyptian short story has grown following the events of the First World War and it appeared with the emergence and generation of numerous conflicts in the world and the subsequent 1919 revolution after a break from French translations of short stories and explicit excerpts.And among the pioneers of the story of the early Arab is Jorji Zeydan, the forerunner of the historical story, and Jebran, the forerunner of the stories, and Mikhael Naemah, with whom have been completed the elements of the artistry stories and the pioneer character, Professor Mahmood Teymoor, the prominent short story writer. 
