
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


کان الإسلام مؤثّراً علی کلّ زوایا الحیاه البشریه وغیّر العقائد والأفکار وجاء بمعان سامیه فی کلّ الأمور بما فیها الشعر والرّثاء. وثمّه جوانب مهمّه من الأدب مُؤثَّره بالإسلام تحتاج إلى مَن یجلو صدأ الإهمال عنها. وعندما رأیتُ التأثیر الملحوظ للإسلام فی أدب الرّثاء یحدونی الأمل إلى إضافه مقال جدید فی هذا الباب. وعندما شرعت فی التعرّض للموضوع، وضعت نصب عینیّ أن تشمل الدراسه نظره الشعراء الجاهلیین إلى الدّهر والکون ومشکله البقاء والفناء، ونظره الشعراء الإسلامیین الذین تأثّروا بمبادئ الإسلام فی الموت والحیاه. وبعد مقارنه وجیزه بین الرّثاء الجاهلی والرّثاء الإسلامی، تطرّقت إلى المراثی النبویّه وأتیت بأمثله من بعض الشعراء ومن خلال مراثیهم بیّنتُ أثر الإسلام فی ألفاظهم وأسالیبهم ومعانیهم. وقدّمت دراسه فنیّه علی الدالیّه الشهیره لحسّان بن ثابت الأنصاری فی رثاء الرّسول بصفته شاعر النّبی المفضّل مصحوباً بتحلیل فی المعنى واللفظ والأسلوب، راجیاً أن تکون هذه الدراسه ساهمه فی أداء خدمه زهیده للأدب العربی المبین ومُلقیه الضوء علی دالیه حسّان فی رثاء خیر الإنسان.

In Fluce of Islam on Elegy

Elegy is one of the most distinct manifestation of Arabic and especially Islamic poetry. Since the time that human beigns have begun their life on the planet and the sorrowful destination of death has looked for them, and since the time that the fear of death has settled in their heart, they have been familiar with elegy and they have composed everlasting odes regarding it.Using mournful and gloomy words, elegy- composers have composed the ghastliness of death brethren or friends. Moreover, sometimes on the loss of an elite or a knowledgeable one, elegies have been composed in which some kinds of didactic literature can be found. Raising Islam, all aspects of Arabic life changed and poem and elegy were not exceptions. Islam. Changed ideas, thoughts and approaches, and defined new standards for human life and death and made him to think about his destination and universes to believe in existence of an erudite creator, to have faith in Dooms Day and to make a bridge to the better world out of their deeds. The first changes can be seen in a famous ode named 'Daliya' by 'Hassan bin Sabit Ansari' on Prophet Mohammad loss, in which new notions can be seen that are the result of raising of Islam. Among these notions that ofter Islam have emerged in his poem some words like Allah, the sent by God (Rasol Al Allah), revelation (Vahei), inspiration (Elham) prophecy (Risalat & Nabowat) Paradise (Jannat & Bahasht) affability (Rafat), faith (Iman) and light (Nour)can be mentioned. Considering all of these, the author here is going to put light on the impact of Islam on elegy in Arabic poem in general on the elegy of Daliya of Hassan Bin Sabit Ansari.
