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در واکاوی تلاش های عالمانه ی انجام شده به منظور بررسی ریشه های ناکارآمدبودنِ نظام آموزشی، بررسی ارتباط میان ناکارآمدی با عنصر هدف، به عنوان یکی از عناصر مهم تربیت، نسبت به بقیه ی عناصر، بسیار کمرنگ است. براین اساس، هدف از این جستار، بررسی ناکارآمدی نظام آموزشی از منظر اهداف کلانِ تدوین شده است. روش پژوهش در اینجا بر اساس روش تحلیلی استنتاجی، استفاده از داده یابی اسنادی و در نهایت، داده کاوی توصیفی تفسیری انجام شده است. یافته ها نشان می دهد غایتِ نظامِ رسمی آموزش و پرورش در همه ی اسناد تدوین شده ی پس از انقلاب اسلامی، به طور کامل، صبغه ی دینی دارد اما نظام تعلیم و تربیت ایران نتوانسته در دست یابی به این غایت ها موفق باشد و فاصله ا ی که میان غایتِ آشکارِ نظامِ آموزشی و آنچه در صحنه ی عینی اجتماع، قابل مشاهده است مُهر تأییدی بر ناکارآمد بودن آن از منظر میزان دستیابی به اهدافِ کلان است. به عنوان نتیجه می-توان گفت ریشه ی این ناکارآمدبودن را می توان در عدم توجه دقیق به ضرورت وجود فهم مناسب از ماهیت دین و عدم توجه به اقتضائات فطرت جستجو نمود که باعث عدم دقت به ملزومات تربیت دینی شده، به گونه ای که پیامدی جز به حاشیه رفتنِ توجه به ضرورتِ تمرکز بر شکوفایی ایمان و پُررنگ شدنِ تمرکز بر توسعه ی آداب دینی نداشته است.

Investigating the Relationship between the Incompetency of the Formal Education System of Iran and its Macro Objectives

Introduction Despite the importance of ‘the ultimate goal of education’, as one of the most important elements in education, little effort has been made to examine the relationship between this element and the incompetence of the education system in Iran. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the incompetence of the Iranian educational system with regard to ‘the ultimate goal of education’. In all documents written after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, it is highlighted that ‘the ultimate goal’ of the formal education system is to help students develop a religious identity. This study sought to investigate whether ‘the ultimate goal’ set for the Iranian education system was achieved in reality as reflected in the social sphere. Method The present study used documentary research to collect data, and the data were analyzed using a descriptive-interpretive approach. Results Based on the results of data analysis and considering the apparent discrepancy between the goal established in the high-level documents (i.e., overt end) and what has been achieved in reality in society (i.e., covert end), it seems that the Iranian formal education system has not been successful in achieving the stated goal and that its performance has been incompetent. Discussion It can be said that the educational and cultural spheres are currently dominated by a kind of secular education, which is increasingly expanding day by day. Secular education seems to be the covert end challenging the overt end of the Iranian education system. On the other hand, it must be noted that a conservative interpretation of religion, characterized by indoctrination and constraint and adopted by the decision-making body of the education system, has formed the basis of religious planning and education in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Since this particular interpretation of religion is based on a misconception of the nature of religion and an incomplete understanding of religious education, it does not have a clear understanding of the methods it prescribes and the context within which education takes place. This incompetence of the education system is rooted in inattention to the need for proper understanding of the nature of religion, for the necessity of questioning in religious education, and for the advisability of the innate nature. These factors have led to the requirements of religious education being neglected and inaccurately described.
