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این پژوهش باهدف طراحی الگوی شناختی کیفیت در آموزش عالی فنی و مهندسی و عوامل ارتقاء دهنده و بازدارنده آن از منظر ذینفعان آموزش عالی انجام شد. روش پژوهش مورد استفاده کیفی از نوع نظریه برخاسته از داده یا گراندد تئوری بود. برای انجام این پژوهش با چهار گروه ذینفع شامل مدیران و سیاست گزاران، اعضاء هیئت علمی، فارغ التحصیلان و کارفرمایان مصاحبه های نیمه ساختاریافته صورت گرفته است. در رابطه با کیفیت در آموزش عالی فنی-مهندسی پنج مقوله کلی شناسایی و احصاء شد که عبارتند از: خدمت به جامعه، خدمت به صنعت، خدمت به یادگیرنده، خدمت به علم، و تعادل بین چهار نوع خدمت. در خصوص عوامل موثر بر کیفیت در آموزش عالی فنی-مهندسی دو مقوله کلی استخراج شد که عبارتند از: عوامل درون سازمانی، تعادل بین عوامل درون سازمانی، و عوامل برون سازمانی. در رابطه با عوامل بازدارنده کیفیت در آموزش عالی فنی-مهندسی دو مقوله کلی: عوامل درون سازمانی و عوامل برون سازمانی شناسایی شدند.

Explain the preventing and promoting quality factors in Engineering and Technology higher education (Case: Engineering Faculty at public universities in Tehran)

Explain the preventing and promoting quality factors in Engineering and Technology higher education (Case: Engineering Faculty at public universities in Tehran) This research was conducted with the aim of design cognitive pattern for quality in higher education and and identify promoting and preventing factors from the perspective of higher education stakeholders. Qualitative research method used was Grounded Theory. For this study was conducted semi-structured interview with four groups of stakeholders include managers and policy makers, faculty, alumni and employers. After the implementation of interviews, the data was analyzed using qualitative data analysis approach based on open coding, axial and selective with documentary evidence at the end were presented analyzing qualitative data of the determinants of quality in higher education. In terms of quality in Engineering and Technology higher education identified and recognized five general categories which include: Serving the community, serving the industry, serving learners, serving science, and the balance between the four types of service. The affecting factors in Engineering and Technology quality in higher education were two general categories: the internal factors, external factors and the balance between them. In relation to the preventive factor of quality in Engineering and Technology higher education two categories were identified: internal factors and external factors.
