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منطقه غرب آسیا یکی از مهم ترین مناطق بین المللی است که در دهه های اخیر با تحولات عمیق و گسترده ای روبه رو شده است. پویایی های سریع منطقه ای و فرامنطقه ای، روابط بین دولت ها را متحول ساخته و صف بندی های جدیدی را در غرب آسیا به وجود آورده است. یکی از این تحولات بنیادی را در دگرگونی روابط بین عربستان سعودی و اسرائیل می بینیم. در این مقاله به روش تحلیل پسارویدادی در پی تبیین جایگاه نظام مفهومی موازنه دور آمریکا بر روابط رو به رشد عربستان و اسرائیل و ارزیابی پیامدهای توسعه این روابط بر منطقه غرب آسیا هستیم و می خواهیم به این پرسش پاسخ دهیم که سیاست گذاری ایالات متحده در غرب آسیا چگونه روابط عربستان سعودی و اسرائیل را متأثر کرده است؟ در پاسخ به این پرسش این فرضیه مطرح می شود که آمریکا می کوشد با احیای رهنامه دوستونی پیشین خود در قالب نظام موازنه دور در غرب آسیا، امنیت این منطقه را در چارچوب راهبرد ثبات هژمونیک ایالات متحده تداوم بخشد. یافته های مقاله مبتنی بر روند پژوهی تحولات، همچنین نشان می دهد گسترش روابط اسرائیل و عربستان سعودی می تواند منجر به تغییر ژئوپلیتیک انتقال انرژی در غرب آسیا شود و ژئوپلیتیک این منطقه را با تحولاتی احتمالی روبه رو سازد که این تغییرات در راستای منافع کلان ایالات متحده برای کنترل منابع انرژی جهان خواهد بود.

Evaluating the effectiveness of America's long-term balance strategy on the developments in West Asia Case study: strategic relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime

The conflict between the Arabs and the Zionist regime can be referred to as the most deep-rooted and complex international conflict. A conflict that started since the large-scale immigration of Jews to Jerusalem in 1882 and has continued even after the passage of more than a century. With the collapse of the six-hundred-year-old Ottoman Empire followed by the establishment of the Zionist regime (1948), the Middle East regional crisis reached its peak and the Arab-Israeli conflict became the heart of the Middle East conflicts. In the meantime, Saudi Arabia, as a large Arab country that claims to be the leader of the Islamic world, has been an important and influential actor in the Palestinian issue and the Arab world's relations with the Zionist regime. For many decades, Riyadh was a defender of the formation of an independent Palestinian state and a critic of the occupation of the Zionist regime, and Saudi Arabia's commitment to Palestine defined and specified the geopolitical lines of the West Asian region for several decades. Such behavior was mainly the result of Saudi pragmatism in showing Arab nationalism and taking a strategic position to maintain the leadership flag of the Islamic world. However, some factors, especially from the 1980s onwards, brought changes in Saudi Arabia's relations with the Zionist regime; The victory of the Iranian Islamic Revolution (1979) and the introduction of revolutionary Islam and the subsequent significant successes of Islamic and Shiite groups in the region brought Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime closer together. The regional developments of 2011 in the Arab world, which led to the geopolitical expansion of the power-oriented resistance led by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region, followed by Obama's policy in the nuclear agreement with Iran (2015), as well as the general approach of the United States towards the Middle East region and its policy Outsourcing and transfer of responsibility to regional governments caused these two governments to pursue common positions despite not having direct and official relations and interactions. However, in recent years, especially after the Trump administration took office, there are clear signs of improving relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv. So that the previous secret meetings between Saudi Arabia and Israel have changed to the current public interactions, which is also the inevitable result of the formation of an overnight anti-Iranian coalition between Saudi Arabia, the United States, and the Zionist regime. This trend has become stronger especially since September 2020, when the UAE and Bahrain normalized their relations with the Zionist regime. Undoubtedly, the fundamental progress in relations between the UAE and Bahrain with the Zionist regime has not been independent of the influence of the Saudi factor and Riyadh's green light to these Arab countries (especially Bahrain). In this framework, this article tries to explain the evolution in the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime and evaluate its consequences on the West Asian region. The article, with the process of researching the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, sought to understand the change and evolution in the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, in order to evaluate the consequences of this development on the West Asian region. The article showed that Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime have had ups and downs relations, and it seems that these relations have now moved towards normalization and establishment of full relations. Saudi Arabia's calculated silence regarding the recent developments regarding Jerusalem, as well as Riyadh's support for the deal of the century and the Ibrahim agreements, along with the establishment of open relations and interactions with the Zionist regime, is a manifestation of the change and evolution in the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime and Riyadh's move towards The normalization of relations with the Zionist regime. In the meantime, common political-security problems, thinking about the post-American Middle East, using geopolitical and technological advantages, as well as the exploitation of the Zionist lobby in Washington by Saudi Arabia, as well as the exploitation of Saudi influence in the Islamic world by the Zionist regime, are among the factors. It has been very important in the movement of Riyadh and Tel Aviv to close relations. Such a change will have security consequences on West Asia; Its most important and main consequence will be the weakening of the Palestinian cause. As a country that claims to be the leader of the Islamic world, if relations with the Zionist regime are normalized, Saudi Arabia will provide the basis for increasing the relations of the Arab countries with the Zionist regime, and it will enable the start of a normalization domino with this regime, and at the same time, the United States It will enable the United States to hijack the Palestinian-Israeli peace process for its own benefit. Nevertheless, such a development will not only bring peace to the West Asian region, but with the influence of the Zionist regime in the countries of the region, the tension between the axis of resistance and the Hebrew-Arab axis will continue to increase, and assuming the continuation of the status quo, the region will be more It will lead to tension and unrest. Also, since the equation of relations in West Asia is based on the sum of zero, such a development will increase the competition among the Arab countries and provide the ground for further escalation of tension. In addition, Saudi Arabia is considered to be an essential link in the completion of the Arab-Mediterranean Corridor, which in case of the normalization of Saudi Arabia's relations with the Zionist regime, such a corridor will become possible, and in turn, it will lead to a change in the geopolitics of energy transfer and the geopolitics of the region with possible changes. makes face However, it should be noted that the issue of Palestine and its importance in the public opinion inside Saudi Arabia and the people of the region is an obstacle in the finalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv and will be a fundamental variable in the future of the relations between the two. The organization of the article is in such a way that after presenting the theoretical framework, the course of development in the process of expanding relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime will be evaluated, and then the characteristics and indicators of change and evolution in the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime will be presented based on the theoretical framework and at the end the impact The current changes in Saudi relations with the Zionist regime will be evaluated on the political and security arrangements of the West Asian region.  
