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بی علاقگی یکی از ویژگی های اساسی تجربه زیباشناختی قرن هجدهم بریتانیا و آلمان است. در این پژوهش با روش تحلیلی-تطبیقی، چیستی مولفه ها و وجوه بی علاقگی در شاخه آلمانی آن مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. هدف از شناخت وجوه بی علاقگی، ایجاد تمایز میان تجربه ی زیباشناختی و سایر تجارب شناختی، اخلاقی و نیز ذوقی است. قائل شدن به چنین تفکیکی، از جستجو در آرای کانت حاصل شده است. اما آیا دیدگاهی به این سرسختانه که در مرحله اول به خودمختاری و جدایی تجربه و امر زیباشناختی از سایر تجارب می انجامد، در تفکر شوپنهاور و نیچه هم قابل پیگیری است؟ این پژوهش با تأمل در زیباشناسی سه متفکر یعنی کانت؛ شوپنهاور و نیچه، بی علاقگی را در سه دسته نظری، عملی و حسی قابل تقسیم می بیند و بر این نکته تأکید می کند که کانت در هر سه شاخه با رادیکال ترین نحوه نگاه، زمینه اساسی اندیشه شوپنهاور و نیچه را فراهم آورده است. نتیجه اینکه شوپنهاور با تغییراتی در این رویکرد، همچنان نوکانتی باقی می ماند، اما مسیر حرکت نیچه به منزله یک متفکر پساکانتی در بخش بی علاقگی حسی (به ویژه در تبارشناسی اخلاق)، به جهت رویکرد و تأکیدات متفاوت، از تفکر کانت فاصله می گیرد. از این رو، این پژوهش رویکرد کانت را سرسخت، دید شوپنهاور را منعطف و نگاه نیچه را در بحث بی علاقگی، ضعیف ارزیابی می کند. 

Explanation and Comparison of Disinterestedness Aspects in Aesthetic Experience in the View of Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche

Disinterestedness is one of the main concepts in the aesthetics of the eighteenth century in Britain and Germany. In this research, the whatness of necessary and sufficient conditions for different aspects of this concept in its German branch is investigated. The purpose of recognizing different aspects of the concept of Disinterestedness is to make a distinction between the aesthetic experience of others like empiric, epistemic, moral, and physical ones. The aesthetic experience seems to be different from the cognitive one, Such an idea is supported by Kant's view. Can it (autonomous aesthetic experience) be a continuous view in the thinking of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche? This study, with the comparative-analytic method, concludes that disinterestedness can be divided into theoretical, practical, and sensational divisions, and Kant, in the three divisions, provided the fundamental context for others. Theoretical disinterestedness in Kant is related to the concept of understanding, the cause and effect relation in the world and its teleological mechanism, the purposiveness of the form of the object. in the practical part, towards the teleological practice, in rapport to the morality and the good, in sensational part the personal intentions desires, purposes & interests toward objective determination lead to various aspects of Disinterestedness. Schopenhauer took on the concept of disinterestedness from Kant and describes its aspects in his philosophical system, in a recent way different from Kant. The aesthetics of Schopenhauer lies in the heart of his metaphysics. He believed that the “will” is the origin of the universe underlying ground of the world as representation. Schopenhauer took a delicate distance from Kant by emphasizing on subject of cognition with suspended Will, and also on the body. He distances from Kant by these accentuation. On the other hand, Schopenhauer's “will” is similar to the Kant's “thing- in -itself, but it is perceptible through Ideas which are mediation between the will and the tangible world.  In order to understand ideas through ordinary objects, It should become a disinterested observer and ignore the individuality and personal will. it should be independent of any forms of space, time and causality through the suppression of the individual will. That means through the asceticism & aesthetic contemplation. Nietzsche challenged Kant's tenacious approach in the Birth of Tragedy with ignorance of objectivity and subjectivity. He relied on the two fundamental forces of nature, namely the Apollonian and the Dionysian which are active in art. With an accentuation on dionysian forces which is irreducible to two forces, Nietzsche believed that both qualities of two forces, in addition to disinterestedness and desires will drive art. Nietzsche` s concentration On the Genealogy of Morality is on physiology & physiology of art that required, some concepts like bodily states, sensuality and sexuality in order to enhance the life. So, art is an affirmation and apprehension of life with an emphasis on aesthetic experience. As a result, it seemed that Kant's approach in the definition of disinterestedness is stronge and radical. Schopenhauer's view is flexible and two-sided, and Nietzsche's approach especially in On the Genealogy of Morality is evaluated different or weak in comparison to Kant.
