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مدالیون های ساسانی از جمله نقوشی هستند که شخصیت و ممیزه هنر ساسانی را دارا هستند. مدالیون های ساسانی دارای انواع مختلفی هستند که در بین هنر سرزمین های همجوار و سایر تمدن های شرقی و غربی زمان خود نیز دارای محبوبیت و پر کاربرد بوده اند. با توجه به نمونه های زیاد این مدالیون ها، تنوع و گستردگی آنها در بین هنر پساساسانی، آسیای مرکزی، اسلامی، از شرق تا چین و از غرب تا بیزانس، سوریه، قبط (مصر)، اروپای غربی (ایتالیا، اسپانیا، فرانسه)، این مقاله در پی بردن به چگونگی راهیابی مدالیون ساسانی به سرزمین های همسایه و نقاط دیگر و همچنین روند تحول شکلی این مدالیون هاست. اشیاء فلزی همانند ظروف سیمین و پارچه های ابریشمین از جمله کالاها، هدایای بسیار نفیس و در برخی مواقع از غنائم جنگی بودند که می توانستند حامل این نقوش باشند. پارچه های ساسانی یکی از محصولاتی بود که بسیار تبادل می شده و علاوه بر ارزش تجاری، ارزش دیپلماتیک و سیاسی زیادی به عنوان هدایای سلطنتی داشتند. در روند تحول و دگرگونی مدالیون ها، تغییراتی دیده می شود: تبدیل و تغییر شکل نقوش تزیینی دایره به سایر نقوش هندسی، تغییر شکل مدالیون اصلی از دایره به اشکال پیچیده تر و ترکیبی هندسی.  

A Study on the evolution of the medallion’s motifs of textiles Sassanid and its influence on Islamic art and Christian art

According to the forms of Sassanian medallions designed on the textures Sassanid, it’s very impressive in the distinctive features, the variety of design and style of drawing. Sassanid era peak of excellence in the art of silk fabrics and textiles, especially the development of their industry. But it should also be stated, that one of the important reasons for the existence of exquisite designs and creativity was in creating the designs and motifs on the textile factories in other countries affected. Many examples of this medallion be existed in Post-Sassanid Art in Central Asia, the Islamic era, China, Syria, Copts (Egypt) and Christian art of Europe (Spain, France), it shows their popularity in these countries. Thus the questions are: How medallion Sassanid has found their way to neighboring territories and elsewhere? How is the development of the form of these medallions? The Sassanid textile was one of the products that are discussed very valuable addition to the business, as well as royal gifts and great political value.  This way was one of the migration patterns of the exchanges and projects around the world Sassanid. The motifs of animal, plant and geometric royal hunting scenes were surrounded generally by a circular medallion motif. This constituted one of the main economic that the simultaneous production and commercialization brought under self-control and commercial exchanges between East and West, the Silk Road was at their disposal and caused the weaving workshops and centers have impact on the East (China) and West, Byzantine and medieval (to Spain and England).   The specific study with this view has been done on the Medallion and practices relating to the change. Since this project is one of the most important and influential art designs Sassanid, the research on it to find other ways of function and the way it seems to be necessary. The research is theoretical and descriptive research methods and tools for collecting information are library. In this paper, Sassanid textiles as one of the most artistic and cultural exchange instruments are paid during that period, the ways and means of transport and migration patterns from different cultures and countries is examined, and the manner in which the decorative motifs can be classified according to motifs of medallion presented. Given the variety of forms depending on the fabric and textures decorated with the medallion, it can be a lot of medallion with the features and characteristics observed. Due to the large number of medallions, in this article, it was provided the opportunity to address many models; nevertheless, we tried to select models. Given the above, we can simplify the way as the original pattern of the medallion during the Sassanid art, Islamic, Christian and common usage, and we can specify the pieces were painted: The simple circular medallion decorated with small circular design; Simple and circular medallion composed of flattened band without decoration. And explore ways of grouping medallion on both sides of the simple forms to complex shapes that can also be useful for other medallion.  
