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همواره در تاریخ پادشاهی دنیا شاهی بدون تاج قابل تصور نیست. پادشاهان ایرانی نیز از این قاعده مستثنی نبوده اند. تاج شاهان ایران باستان به عنوان یکی از مظاهر سلطنت و قدرت، در آثار هنری گوناگونی همراه با نقش پادشاه در حالی که وی را از دیگر اشخاص متمایز می سازد، نمایان شده است. یکی از آثار هنری مهم که نقش شاهان ایران همراه با نماد قدرتشان یعنی تاج، برروی آنها توسط هنرمندان خوش ذوق و قریحه ی ایرانی حک شده است، سکه ها می باشند. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش توصیفی_تاریخی است که از طریق گردآوری اطلاعات کتابخانه ای و اسنادی و نیز مشاهده سکه ها در برخی موزه ها انجام پذیرفته است؛ ضمن اینکه مطالعه سیر تحول طرح تاج شاهان دست یابی به تفاوت ها و تشابهات تاج ها را امکان پذیر می نماید. در این جستار تلاش نگارندگان بر این است که، سیر تحول تاج شاهان نقش شده بر روی سکه های سه امپراتوری بزرگ ایران باستان(هخامنشی، اشکانی و ساسانی) را مطالعه نمایند. هدف از بررسی تاج شاهان در ادوار تاریخی ایران باستان شناخت، بازشناسی، تشخیص و تفکیک آنان از یکدیگر از طریق مطالعه سکه ها می باشد؛ چرا که هر پادشاهی تاج مخصوص به خود را داشته و بعضاً علاوه بر طرح تاج نقوش، جنس و نمادهای مورد استفاده متفاوت بوده است.

Survey Kings Crown Design in Iran’s Coins from Achaemenid to Sassanid Period

Always on kingdom history of the world a king without a crown is unconceivable. The Persian kings were not exception of this rule. Iranian ancient kings crown as one of the aspects of the monarchy and power, the image of king while makes he distinguishes from other persons is visible in various artistic works. One of the important artistic works that image of Iran’s kings with their power symbol namely the crown, on it by Iranian’s gifted and talented artists is carved, are the coins. The coins can study from various aspcts , for example kind of metal applied in the coins in each era is demonstrating which its demonstrator authority financial and credit that one era, or by surveys delicacy and precision crevedimades on the coins can be realize artist ability in each era, and this had been demonstrated the political , social and economic peace in that eraBy surveys. Acaemenid coins can be observed that Achaemenid kings crown became opparent as entirely simple and with dentante on the coins of this age.Achaemenid period coins are more like a medal of honor than current money in the country.TheAchaemend Gold coins were called Darik and silver coins were called Sycle in this period.With studies Achaemenid coins we conclude that the Achaemenid kings crown were made by valuable metal like gold and silver. In opposite to uniformity of Achaemenid king crown from. We see variety in from of the Parthian crown that craved on the coins were precious, variety, symbolic and seemly.The Parthian kings crown been from kind squatty fabric and rich metel that pranked by jewels and pearl. Each kings sassani owned particular crown rom themselves, or somtims each king relieved tow or multiple crown kings crown in this era were luxurios, patchwork and those inclusive stamps symbolic such as image moon, star, sun sphere, bird wing and plants.Jag is symbolism from heaven threefold strata, sphere is symbolism from earth, moon is symbolism from productivity, star is symbolism fromTishtar,sun is symbolism from Mitra,bird is symbolism from Verethraghna,plants is symbolism from life. Sassani kings crown on the coins exposed variety form, symbolic stamps and complement.Symbolic stamps applied on the Sassani kings crown owned wholly aspect religious and those were for worship Ahora.TheSassani kings kind been from worth metal, silk fabric and valuable jewels. Method study in this research is descriptive _ historical that through gathering libraries and documental information and also observed the coins in some museum was undertaken; meanwhile that studying evolution crown kings scheme makes possible achieve to crowns differences and similarities. In these essays the authors attempt is that stydies, Kings Crown evolution carved on three great ancient empires (Achaemenid, …) coins. The aim of surveyed the kings crown in ancient iran historical periods is cognition, recognition, identify and separate them from each other via study of the coins, because each kingdom had its own crown and sometimes in addition to crown design; have been different in used motifs, material and the symbols.
