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تعامل انسان به عنوان سوژه با هر آنچه در خارج موجود است به عنوان ابژه، تعاملی دوسویه است که فرآیند شناخت یکی (ابژه) وابسته به وجود دیگری(سوژه) است. حضور شیء به عنوان ابژه در زندگی انسان دارای نقش های گوناگون هست. در دوران معاصر و در پی تغییر نگرش هنرمند به جهان و واقعیت های موجود در آن، شاهد حضور اشیاء پیش پاافتاده ای در هنر هستیم که هنرمند در فعل ساختن فیزیکی آنها نقشی نداشته است، از همین رو فرض می شود که نقش هنرمند در شکل گیری این ابژه ی هنری قابل حذف است. هدف این مقاله که به روش تحلیلی انجام گرفته تاکید بر نقش هنرمند به عنوان سوژه ی آگاه در تعیین هویت جدید این اشیاء است که منجر به دگرگون شدن نحوه ی ادراک ابژه هنری می شود. برهمین اساس مقاله به این سوالات پاسخ می دهد: نقش هنرمند در تعیین این اشیاء به عنوان ابژه هنری به چه میزان است؟ علت تغییر کنش ذهنیت هنرمند به اشیاء در دوران معاصر چیست؟ نتیجه نشان می دهد با توجه به بحث شکل گیری آگاهی و تعامل دوسویه سوبژکیتو و ابژکتیو، ادراک اشیاء در هنر معاصر در گرو ادراک ذهنیت آگاه هنرمند هست که حذف او غیر ممکن است و هنرمند با فعل" انتخاب کردن" و تغییر مفهوم "ساختن" یک شیء هنری، باعث شکل گیری شیوه ی جدیدی از ادراک شده است که ازعوامل تاثیرگذار این کنش، می توان به شرایط اجتماعی و ظهور نظریه هایی مبنی بر عدم قطعیت در پذیرش واقعیت حتمی، اشاره کرد.

Hidden Subjective in the Object of Contemporary Art

In the process of human evolution, there has always been a relationship between the human (subject-observer) and the other things (nature -objects), he has been curious about everything unknown, indeed the objects as the "reality" of our environment has always been surveyed by human mentality, in this regard, human "consciousness" as "subject" plays an important role in knowing  these"object".The presence of objects in human life has various roles. In the contemporery era, with the changing consciousness of the artist about  the world and  every things in it, a different approach about them have been emerged. In this period, we see that ordinary and ready-made objects are presented in the context of art, such as galleries and museums, as artworks, in which the artist has not played a role in their physical construction, so it is assumed that the role of the artist in creating this  kind of artwork can be removed. These days, what gives value  and it is better to say "credit" to the things as "object of art " is the complex mental networks that exist in the art world. In many aesthetic and philosophical theories have ignored the central role of the artist(subject) and dismissed her presence as the creator of the artwork,  actualy they have only a formal look at art and literary works and give all of importance to the structure and form of the works. The purpose of this analytical article is to emphasize the role of the artist as a conscious subject in determining the new identity of these objects, which leads to a change in the perception of the artistic object. In fact, we want to prove that objects that are presented as artwork (especially in the contemporary era) cannot exist independently of the artist's idea and subjectivity. In this paper, after examining the theoretical foundations that include the concepts of objectivism, subjectivism and the process of creating consciousness in cognition ,it discussed the relationship between object and  subject (artist) in contemporary era. These questions will be answered: What is the role of the subject (artist) in determining the object (things)? What is the reason for changing the view of the subject (artist) to the object (objects) in  contemporert art? The result shows  that the role of the  artist subjectivity in defining the object identity is stable and the perception of objects in contemporary art depends on the perception of the conscious of the artist that it is impossible to remove him and he can even guide the direction of the audience's perception. In presenting such object(ordinary or ready-made object), the artist changes the perception of  artwork by changing the verb "to make" physically to the verb "to choose, and he also asks the audience to participate in creating the meaning and identity of the object. We can mention the social conditions and the emergence of new scientific theories such as uncertainty principle in the acceptance of certain reality, are the effective factors that have influenced the performance of the contemporary artist.
