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قضیّه المطبوع والمتکلّف من أشهر القضایا النّقدیّه الثنائیه التی احتلّت مکاناً واسعاً فی النّقد العربی القدیم. تعرّضت مفاهیم المطبوع والمتکلّف لتعاریف کثیره من قبل النّقّاد وظهرت تلواً لذلک دراسات من قبل الباحثین فی العصر الحدیث حاولت أن تبیّن وتحلّل موقف کلّ من النّقاد القدامی حول المطبوع والمتکلّف وهذا الأمر نفسه یدلّ علی أهمیّه هذه القضیّه. علاقه الغرض والمضمون الشّعری وتأثیر السّیروره التاریخیّه علی تطوّر مفاهیم المطبوع والمتکلّف وحتّی المصنوع من الموضوعات التی لم تنل حظها من الدراسات الشامله والوافیه من قبل النقّاد ولذلک سعی هذا المقال أن یسلّط الضّوء علی دور الفتره التاریخیّه والأفکار السّائده فی المجتمع وتطوّره فی رؤیه النقّاد بالنسبه إلی مفهومی المطبوع والمتکلّف. بحثت هذه الدّراسه عن التأثّرٌ بالآراء المنطقیّه التی جلبتها السیروره التاریخیه فی الإقرار بوجود الشّعر المصنوع وجودته وکذلک العلاقه بین قضیّه المضمون الشّعری أو الغرض الشّعری والطّبع والتکلّف. حاولت هذه الدّراسه أن تستعید القراءه فی آراء کلّ من النّقّاد، الجاحظ وابن قتیبه وابن رشیق فی قضیّه الطّبع والتکلّف وفقاً للمنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی وارتکازاً علی الطّابع النّقدی. من النّتائج الهامّه التی توصّل إلیها هذا المقال یمکن الإشاره إلی أنّ لدور الفتره التاریخیّه والأفکار السّائده فی المجتمع وکذلک تطوّر مجتمع النّاقد أثراً هامّاً لا یمکن تجاهله فی تحدید مفهومی المطبوع والمتکلّف بحیث یُشاهد تأثّرٌ بالآراء المنطقیّه التی جلبتها ثقافه النقّاد الواسعه والذی أدّی إلی الإقرار بوجود الشّعر المصنوع وجودته وأنّ قضیّه المضمون الشّعری أو الغرض الشّعری من القضایا الهامّه التی أصبحت فی علاقه مباشره مع ثنائیّه الطّبع والتکلّف.

A study of Simple and Complex Issue in Ancient Arabic Literary Criticism "Al-Jahiz, Ibn Qutaybah and Ibn Rashiq Viewpoints"

Simple and complex issue is one of the most important dual issues of literary criticism that forms a great portion of ancient Arabic literary criticism. There have been offered multiple definitions of simple and complex by critics, and subsequently, in the new era of literature, many studies have been conducted by scholars on this issue. These studies tried to explain and analyze the views of each of the old critics, which itself, indicates the importance of research on this matter. The relationship between the purpose and content of poetry and the effect of historical trends on the development of simple and complex concepts and even complex itself, is one of the topics that critics have not written comprehensive works on. This study has dealt with the effect of historical period, people’s opinion and the development of society in restricting each of these two, i.e. simple and complex concepts. The impressibility from logical opinions that the connection and discourse of civilizations has been the main cause in acknowledging the existence of complex poetry, the relationship between the purpose and content of the poem and the simple and complex poem has also been considered in this study. This article seeks to take a different look at Al-Jahiz, Ibn Qutaybah and Ibn Rashiq views on the simple and complex issue, based on descriptive-analytical research method. In this research, the researcher gathers the evidence of examples related to the simple and complex issues in the presence of each of the three critics and analyzes and explains them based on a critical view. Among the important results of this research, it can be pointed out that the historical period, people’s opinion and the development of the critical society have had an important effect on restricting and refining the meaning of terms like simple and complex. This impact was in such a way that the impresibility from logical opinions that was the result of union of civilizations and played a significant role in the acceptance of complex poem and its beauty, became evident. Another result of this research is that the content and purpose of the poem is one of the important topics that is directly related to the simple and complex issues.
