
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


یکی از مهم ترین مؤلّفه ها در تصحیح متون کهن، دقّت در صورت ها و خوانش های مختلف لغات و عبارات و بررسی معناشناختی هریک از این صورِ احتمالی است. در این میان، تشخیص ضبط صحیح واژگانِ دخیل و خوانشِ صحیح آنها، دقت و کندُوکاو بیشتری را می طلبد؛ زیرا این دسته از واژه ها، به سبب غرابتِ کاربرد، دچار تحریف ها، تصحیف ها و بدخوانی های بیشتری می شوند. همچنین، برخی از این کلمات در زبان اصلی، دو یا چند معنای مختلف دارند و این ویژگی را در زبان دوم نیز حفظ می کنند. با این وصف، غفلت مصحّح از این قرائت ها و معانیِ چندگانه، می تواند ضبط و شرح واژه و عبارت را معیوب و مخدوش کند. واژه کم کاربرد «عُفات/ عَفات» نمونه ای از همین کلماتِ دخیل است که در بیتی از حد یقه الحقیقه به کار رفته است؛ اما در همه تصحیح های علمی و انتقادی معاصر به صورت نادرست ضبط شده یا به حاشیه رفته است. در این پژوهش، ابتدا ضمن نقد تصحیح ها و شروح حدیقه ، ضبط صحیح واژه و بیت مذکور بررسی می شود و سپس با درنظرگرفتن خوانش های دوگانه کلمه و با توجه به شیوه کاربرد آن در سایر متون، تحلیلِ معناشناختی جامعی از آن ارائه خواهد شد. همچنین، توضیحاتِ نادرستِ برخی فرهنگ ها و شروح، درباره کاربرد معنایی واژه منظور در سایر شواهدِ متنی فارسی، مانند دیوان مسعود سعد، نقد و اصلاح می شود.

Examining the Recording and Reading of an Arabic Word in A Verse of Hadiqat al-Haqiqa and Its Semantic Analysis

One of the most important components in editing ancient texts is paying attention to the different forms and readings of words and phrases and studying the semantics of each of these possible forms. In the meanwhile, recognizing the correct recording of Arabic words entered in Persian language requires more care and investigation because these words often get more distorted due to the strangeness of their uses. In addition, some of these words have two or more different meanings in the original language and have this feature in the second language as well. However, the editor's neglect of these multiple meanings and readings can impair the recording and description of words and phrases. The less commonly used word "Ofāt/Afãt" is an example of the same words used in a verse of Sanā’ie's Hadiqat al-Haqiqa, but it has been incorrectly recorded in all contemporary scientific and critical editions. In this research, first, besides criticizing the corrections and explanations of Hadiqat al-Haqiqa, the correct recording of the word and verse was examined and then, a semantic analysis of it was presented by considering the double readings of the word and how it was used in other texts.   Introduction The first and most basic step in editing ancient Persian texts is to scrutinize the different forms and readings of words and expressions used in the texts. This review requires a detailed semantic knowledge of the lexical system of language. In the meanwhile, recognizing the correct recording of words entered from Arabic language requires more precision and research. Some of these words have different readings in the original language and have consequently found various semantic uses in Persian language. Undoubtedly, the editors’ and researchers’ ignorance of these multiple readings and meanings cause problems in the recording and description of the words and even verses or phrases related to them. In this article, the correct reading and recording of one of these words (Ofāt/Afãt) in a verse of Sanã'ie Ghaznavi's Hadiqat al-Haqiqa was investigated.   Materials & Methods In this research, by using library sources and taking advantage of intratextual and intertextual evidence and reasons, a verse and a word (Ofāt/Afãt) from Hadiqah al-Haqiqa were corrected and a comprehensive semantic analysis waas presented for them. Also, while examining the use of this word in other texts, such as Mas’ud-e Sa’d's Divãn, the inconsistency of the selected semantic aspects of the authors’ dictionaries and commentators of the text with the way the word was used in the text was criticized.   Discussion of Results & Conclusions In this research, based on the recording of some authentic and old manuscripts and using textual reasons and evidence, as well as lexical research, we showed that the rarely used word of "Ofāt/Afãt" was used in a verse of Hadiqat al-Haqiqa. However, in Modarres Razavi's edition, the correct form of the word was marginalized and in Yāhaghi and Zarqāni’s editions, the correct recording of old manuscripts was misread and distorted. Most of the commentators of Hadiqa had also chosen and explained the wrong form following the recording of Modarres Razavi and none of them had understood its correct form and various readings and consequently the exact meaning of the verse. Despite keeping the correct form of the word, Abdul Latif Abbãsi had presented a wrong and disproportionate meaning of it. In addition to the above points, another use of this word with a different meaning was mentioned in Mas’ud-e Sa’d's Divãn in this research.  In the latter case, the interpreters of the text and the authors of the dictionaries had a wrong understanding of the meaning of the mentioned word. The results of this research once again revealed the scientific fact that neglecting the multiple readings and meanings of words can cause errors by editors and commentators, while providing the correct recording and detailed semantic analysis of one of the entered words.
