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گلشن راز شیخ محمود شبستری از آثار مشهور عرفانی است. شبستری این اثر عرفانی را تحت تأثیر عرفان ابن عربی در قرن هشتم سروده است. بازتاب فکر و اندیشه و شعر شبستری در این اثر را می توان آشکارا در منابع بعد از او دید؛ به همین سبب در گذر زمان، نزدیک به پنجاه شرح و حاشیه بر آن نوشته اند. دکتر محمدرضا برزگر خالقی نیز اخیراً به شرح و توضیح گلشن راز پرداخته و آن را رازهایی از گلشن راز نام گذاری کرده است. نوشتار حاضر بر آن است که به معرفی اجمالی شاعر و کتاب و مسلک عرفانی شبستری بپردازد. هدف عمده این مقاله گزارش کاستی ها و نقص های مندرج در کار برزگر خالقی است. اثر برزگر خالقی از سه بخش عمده تشکیل شده است: مقدمه، متن گلشن راز و شرح و توضیحات برزگر خالقی؛ برزگر خالقی به تصحیح متن نپرداخته و کوشیده است با زبانی ساده و به طور فشرده و مختصر به شرح ابیات گلشن راز بپردازد. برزگر خالقی در بخشِ شرح و توضیحات توانسته است مسائل مبهم و شطح گونه را تاحدّی معنی کند و معنی مقبول و متناسب دینی از آن به خواننده ارائه دهد؛ شارحان سنتی نگرشی مریدگونه در برابر شبستری و ابن عربی داشته اند؛ اما او برخلاف آنان چنین نگرشی ندارد. با این حال، گاهی به نظر می رسد می توان بر معنی درج شده در بخش توضیح و شرح برزگر خالقی نقادانه نگریست و از آنها خرده گرفت. این نوشتار تاحدّ امکان و مجال محدود، آنها را بیان کرده است. روش تحقیق در این مقاله، مقایسه ای، توصیفی و تحلیلی است که از شیوه های اسنادی، کتابخانه ای و یادداشت برداری در گردآوری آن بهره برده شد.

Some of the Shortcomings of The Secrets of Gulshan-e Raz

Gulshan-e Raz is one of the famous mystical works written by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari, who composed this mystical work under the influence of ibn Arabi’s mysticism in the 8 th century. The reflection of Shabestari’s thoughts and poetry in this work can be clearly seen in the later sources. About 50 descriptions and margins there have been written on it over time. Dr. Mohammad Reza Barzegar Khaleghi has recently given a description and explanation on Gulshan-e Raz and named it The Secrets of Gulshan-e Raz. In general, the present study aimed at introducing the poet and his text and the mystic style. The major goal of this article was to report the shortcomings and defects contained in Barzegar Khaleghi’s great work, which was comprised of 3 main parts: introduction, the text of Gulshan-e Raz, and Barzegar Khalegi’s description and explanations of it. Barzegar Khaleghi has not corrected the text and has tried to describe the verses of Gulshan-e Raz in a simple, intense, and concise language. In the section of description and explanations, he has been able to give a certain meaning to vague and ambiguous things and give the reader an acceptable and appropriate religious meaning. He has avoided a disciple-like attitude towards Shabestri and ibn Arabi unlike the traditional commentators. However, in some cases, the meanings inserted in the section of explanation and description  can be criticized. Introduction The vast subject of mysticism and Sufism still has many opportunities for scientific research and discussion. Especially after the 7 th Century of the Islamic Hijri calendar, it can be better understood that the mysticism of ibn Arabi and his followers is disrupting the geographical territory of the Islamic world and affecting all kinds of intellectual, social and political affairs. One of these influential works is Gulshan-e Raz written by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari in the 8 th century. Many explanations and interpretations have been written on this book  for various reasons since it has been written, most of which are traditional explanations based on the tendencies and worldview of Ibn Arabi’s mysticism. Lately, Dr. Mohammad Reza Barzegar Khaleghi has written The Secrets of Gulshan-e Raz, a commentary in the subtitle which offers explanations to further introduce his book after giving the introduction, correct reading of verses, and pronunciation of difficult words. Unlike traditional commentators’, Khaleghi’s work is more focused on the fact that it is not a purely mystical explanation and the worldview and mystical attitudes have not played a major role in its authoring, but rather he has sought to help students easily understand the text of Gulshan-e Raz, and find it useful. In other words, it is a book or a teaching explanation that makes the meanings of the verses to be understood in a simpler language as much as possible. Therefore, most of Khaleghi’s method has been based on simplification of difficult verses with difficult meanings and their interpretation in prose. In this regard, he has been mostly successful, except for few cases; his work can be criticized for its shortcomings to some extent. This article tried to explain some of these shortcomings as much as possible. Materials and Methods The essence of this research was introduction and review of The Secrets of Gulshan-e Raz by reading it line by line completely and accurately. A detailed examination of the line-by-line explanations of Khaleghi’s book was made after carefully reading the verses and comparing and matching them with Khaleghi’s appropriate meanings and explanations. Measuring them with possible sources was the forthcoming method in the research. It was obvious that a critical look at Khaleghi’s notes was the main condition for this research to be conducted. In general and in a simple language, it can be said that in the creation of this writing, we used most of the common methods in research, especially the descriptive, comparative, analytical, and inferential methods. After reporting and describing Dr. Khaleghi’s writing, we compared that writing with various other materials and sources and finally, the desired scientific opinion was expressed in different parts of the article. The methods of collecting the materials and data were qualitative with a focus on gaining information, documents, and writings mainly available at the library.   Discussion of Results and Conclusion The Secrets of Gulshan-e Raz provided a simple explanation, which mostly sought to convey a simple and easy understanding of the text to the students. Although some steps were provided to make it easy for the audience to understand, it could be said that the case and the subject of Gulshan-e Raz had ceased to be totally resolved. The most important part of the book was its way of referencing and citation, which was traditional, but it could be said that the main criticism in this regard was that some terms could have been philologically interpreted to explain their meanings from their sources and roots, which hade not been done in the book. The meanings and explanations written for some verses would provoke thought. In some incorrect cases, the “extra soul” of Qur’anic interpretation had been defined as the “added soul” without attributing it to God’s soul. For some words and verses, any meanings and explanations that  had to be originally written had not been written. In some cases, a description or explanation had been written for the verse that was more ambiguous than the verse itself and its meaning was still difficult to understand. It would have been better if the mystical symbols, especially ibn Arabi’s mysticism, had been explained and deciphered; however, in some cases, they had not been done in this way. In Ibn Arabi’s mysticism, “Zulf” was a symbol of the world and its manifestations and by mentioning this explanation, the ambiguity of the verse in question had been resolved. With this description, it could be generally said that these small shortcomings would not reduce the value of the book of this honorable author, who had considered himself bound to give students a correct understanding of the texts.
