ابن الرومی فی میزان الدرس الأسلوبی وقفه دلالیه عند مرثیته الدالیه صرفا وموسیقی وترکیبا (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
إن الحدیث عن ابن الرومی بشخصیته النادره وعناصرها المتشابکه، شیء یصعب علی الدارسین، ولا سیما إذا أردنا أن نمعن النظر فی جوانب شعره الإبداعیه والدلالیه. فإن نظره فاحصه فی شعر ابن الرومی تهدینا إلی مواضع الاستخدام الوظیفی الذی یتمتع به الشاعر فی سرد حقائق فکرته، وتوعیه المخاطبین بما یوحی به شعره من رموز دلالیه. فإن موضوع هذه الدراسه یدور حول إحدی مراثیه التی طبقت شهرته الآفاق، بما فیها من دمج وتولیف بین العناصر الأسلوبیه المکونه للنص الإبداعی، والعواطف المشحونه بالتوتر والارتباک اللذین جعلا الشاعر ی فیض لوعه علی فقد حبیب ه. تقوم هذه الدراسه علی أساس المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی، لنری من خلاله کیف تبینت إستراتیجیات الشاعر السردیه فی التوفیق بین الحزن المستفیض والمقومات الأسلوبیه التی اعتمدها للتدلیل علی تلک الحرقه المتأبده. النتائج تقول لنا إن الشاعر کان ذا توفیق فی تصویر هذا الحزن عبر الإمکانیات التعبیریه التی أتیحت له فی حقول الصرف والموسیقی والترکیب؛ إذ تمکن من خلالها أن یختصر الطریق إلی الفهم ویجعل المعنی العصی جرعه مستساغه لدی المخاطب یرتشفها بسهوله؛ فقد کان للإبداعات الصرفیه إسهام کبیر فی تفظیع المواقف، بحیث لا یقاسی کنهه إلا من فقد نجله، کما أن للإشارات والتلمیحات الموسیقیه دورا ممیزا فی تسییر نظام القصیده ببطء، بحیث یحاذی حس الشاعر، والأبنیه الترکیبیه التی رکن إلیها ابن الرومی تم تشییدها، بحیث تتوائم فیها البنیه النصیه تماما مع ثوره الحزن التی تستحوذ علی نفسیه الشاعر؛ وبالجمله فإن الشاعر کلما اشتد جزعه، وجدنا المسار الأسلوبی المبرمج لدیه یطاوعه تماما فی مشواره الرثائی المفجع، من حیث شده الذبذبات العاطفیه ومدی تأقلمها مع المرکبه الدلالیه التی اختیرت لها.Ibn Al-Roumi in the Balance of His Stylistic Lesson: An Indicative Pause at His Morphological, Musical, and Syntactical Dali Epitaph
Talking about Ibn Al-Roumi with his rare unique personality with intertwined elements is something that is difficult for readers and researchers, especially if we want to delve into the creative aspects of his poetry that has emerged through the stylistic plans he has followed. A close look at Ibn Al-Rumi’s poetry guides us to the functional use and generative approach that the poet has enjoyed in recounting the facts of his ideas and raising the addressee’s awareness of what his poetry suggests of semantic symbols that are rarely represented in front of the onlookers with a quick-reading look. The subject of this study revolved around one of his most famous elegies, the fame of which delved into horizons, including the amalgamation and synthesis of the stylistic elements that made up the creative text and the emotions charged with tension and preoccupation, which made the poet overflow with grief over the loss of a lover, who had torn his heart apart. This study was based on a descriptive-stylistic approach in order to see how the poet's vision and narrative strategy reconciled extensive sadness with the stylistic components he adopted to demonstrate that perpetual heartburn. The results show that the poet was largely successful in depicting this sadness through the expressive possibilities available to him in the fields of composition, morphology, and music, through which he was able to shorten the path to understanding and make the meaningless sticks a palatable dose for the addressee to sip easily. Acoustic creations have made a great contribution to making the compositions excessively lame, which only the poet losing his son can suffer. The morphological indications also had a distinctive role in the slow running of the poem’s system so as to align it with the poet’s sense and the structural systems, on which Ibn Al-Rumi relied, were built so that the textual structure perfectly matched the revolution of sadness that griped the poet’s psyche. In summary, the more anxious and impatient the poet became, the deeper we found the programmed stylistic path in his poem to be completely complied with him in his tragic journey in terms of the intensity of high-frequency emotional vibrations and the extent to which it adapted to the mercury that had been tested.