
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


البنیه الشعریه، باعتبارها توظیفا جدیدا للغه، تهدف إلی تأسیس علاقات جدیده بین الکلمات، لتبتکر لغه جدیده تحتضن التنافر والاختلاف. من هذا المنطلق، فإن أدونیس فی النص الشعری بشکل عام، وفی قصیده حوار بشکل خاص، یفرغ الکلمه من دلالتها الراسخه فی المنظور المعجمی، ثم یشحنها بدلاله جدیده عبر تأسیس علاقات جدیده. بناء علی ذلک، یحاول الأدیب جراء کل ذلک، أن ینتهک مرجعیه المخاطب، سعیا إلی استبدالها بمرجعیات نصیه أخری. من هنا، یأتی الانزیاح الدلالی الذی یمارس الأدیب من خلاله تغییر المرجعیات المعرفیه السائده؛ وعلی ذلک، فإن النص الأدبی باختراقه للمرجعیات، یتقارب من الخطیئه، وفق المنظور المستعمل یومیا للدلاله. تسعی هذه المقاله إلی دراسه النص الأدونیسی لتلقی الضوء علی أن قصیده حوار تشکل مدخلا أساسیا لتفجیر الدلاله وشحن المفرده بدلالات جدیده تکتسبها الکلمه من السیاق، ولیس من المنظور الوضعی المسبق. وتطرقت المقاله إلى دراسه هذا الموضوع حسب المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی، انطلاقا من النظریه الشکلیه، لتکون اللغه هی نقطه الانطلاق لدراسه النص. ومن النتائج التی توصل إلیها البحث هی أن القصیده تسعی إلی تأسیس نسق معرفی ینطلق من الحیره بمرکزیه السؤال لترفض ثنائیه الاختیار المتوقف علی"الخیر / الشر" المهیمنه علی وعی الإنسان العربی، فحاول الأدیب أن یغیّر بؤره الرؤیه إلی الأشیاء من خلال اختراق نمطیه اللغه / المعرفه.

Poetic Structure and its Approach to Sin based on a Recent Reading of the Formality Theory: The Poem ‘A Dialogue’ by Adonis as an Example

Adonis’ poetic structure as a linguistic shift exercises organized violence against language and calls for the establishment of new relationships that cannot be studied based on the positivist perspective. In addressing linguistic employment in a poetic text, it is necessary to start from its linguistic source as it involves establishing a contiguous relationship that embraces language. Considering the fragility of the positivist perspective in the study of the mentioned poetic text, Adonis studied language based on what was prevalent. Yet, he did not seek for the poetic text to rise from the familiar prevailing references. Instead, he tried to change the references and replace them with other elements. Poetic structure as a new application of language intends to establish new relations between words in an attempt to innovate a new language that embraces repulsion and disagreement. By this inception, Adonis was generally in the poetic text and specifically in the poem, the Dialogue, tried to first discharge the words from their solid significance based on a lexical perspective and then load them with new indications by establishing new relations. By all this, the poet tried to violate the readers’ background in an attempt to substitute it with another background of the text. As a result, the semantic displacement, which the poet practiced as the prevailing cognitive background, changes through what came to happen. For this reason, by breaking all the backgrounds, the literary text converged to the sin based on the daily purpose of indication. The present study aimed at investigating the Adonis-based text to shed light on its meaning. The poem ‘a Dialogue’ formed a basic input to burst the indication and load the singular values with a new indication, which the words gained from the sequence, but not from the perspective of the former status. This study also examined this topic via a descriptive-analytical method by starting from the formality method for the language to be itself the starting point for reading the text. The results of this research indicated that the poem aimed at establishing a known layout to start from confusion with the centrality of questions and reject the binary-depended choice between evil and good, which dominated Arabic attitudes. Thus, the poet tried to change the vision by seeing things by breaking the routine approach to language and knowledge.             We noted that the formalists were interested in the concepts of breach and deviation from traditional perceptions, in order to change them and the related criteria (Al-Manasrah, 2006, p. 303). Accordingly, it felt permissible to say that the poetic text ‘a dialogue’ was not a representation of reality and a reflection of the prevailing references. Rather, it was the establishment of a dialectical relationship with these references to proceed toward establishing new references. Thus, the poetic text established a conflict with the references of the addressee and tried to penetrate into the modularity of knowledge to change the focus of vision to things by delving into a stereotype-based language. According to Jakobsen, “the poetic effect does not dominate within the sum of social values, nor does it have a preference over the rest of the values. In fact, it is no less than the basic organizer of ideology, which is always directed towards its goal. Poetry is what protects us against rusting. It defines our conception of love, hate, rebellion, reconciliation, faith, and ingratitude (Jakobsen, 1988, p. 20)”.
