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ادبیات کردی حاوی حجم معتنابهی شعر فارسی است که تا کنون آن گونه که درخور، شایسته و بایسته است، مورد بررسی و تحلیل علمی قرار نگرفته است. این پژوهش با دیدی تحلیلی-توصیفی مبتنی بر اسناد کتابخانه ای برآن است که اشعار فارسی شاعران کرد سده نوزدهم را با نگاهی شناخت گرانه، از حیث دسته بندی سبک-شناختی، نوع شناختی، درونمایه ای به بستر بررسی و تحلیل علمی بکشاند و به واکاوی و بازخوانی آن بپردازد. بدان قصد که در خلال این بررسی، ویژگی های زبانی-ادبی، چارچوب جغرافیایی-سبک شناختی و قوالب آن را بازشناسد. برای اینکه به نتیجه عینی دست یابیم جامعه آماری پژوهش را به شاعران پرآوازه سده نوزدهم ادبیات کردی، از جمله نالی، سالم، کردی، حاجی قادر کویی، وفایی، شیخ رضا طالبانی، محوی، حریق و ادب محدود کردیم. پی آیه پژوهش حاکی از آن است که شعر فارسی نهفته در دل ادبیات کردی، سوای قابل توجه بودن حجم و مقدار آن، از حیث سبک بیشترین پیوند را با سبک عراقی و در مواردی با سبک هندی دارد. زبان شعری در آن تا حدی تحت تأثیر زبان مادری شاعران بوده است. خلاقیّت ها و تصاویر فنّی عمومی و نیز مرتبط با محیط و فرهنگ کردی در آن مشهود است و اینکه انگیزه و سرمنشأ سرایش شعر به فارسی در ادبیات کردی از یک سو در نتیجه تسلط و اشتیاق شاعران کرد به زبان و ادبیات فارسی، و از دیگر سوی برآیند عینی تأثیر گسترده شاعران نامداری چون حافظ، سعدی، مولانا و کلیم همدانی بوده است.

An Epistemological Look at Persian Poetry in the Courts of Kurdish Poets in the Nineteenth Century

1. Introduction Classical Kurdish literature contains a huge volume of Persian texts. A part of these texts is created in Baban literary school, which has been in continuous contact with Iran. (Ahmadi, 1395: 310) Some Kurdish poets, such as Salem and Mustafa Beig Kurdi, traveled to Tehran and were directly acquainted with the poets of that country, and, occasionally, engaged in capping verses.  Even a poet like Kurdi became a member of the Iranian Writers Association. (Ahmadi, 1395: 441) There are also anecdotes about his capping verses with Qaani. (Sajjadi, 1395: 323) To gain a scientific insight into the Persian poetry, embedded in Kurdish literature, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive literary-scientific study. The present research, with an analytical-descriptive perspective, intends to analyze the Persian poems of Kurdish poets from a cognitive point of view in terms of classification, type, stylistics, and theme. This is to identify linguistic-literary features, geographical-stylistic framework, and their forms during this study.   M ethod ology In order to achieve an objective result, we limited the statistical population of the research to the poets of the nineteenth century, including Nali, Salem, Kurdi, Haji Qader Kooi, Vafaee, Sheikh Reza Talabani, Mahvi, Harigh, and Adab. We seek to provide and answer to the following questions: What place Kurdish poets had in composing Persian poetry? How has their connection been with Persian literature? In which style and field of Persian literature does their Persian poetry fit?   Discussion By using phrases that have Kurdish equivalents, and occasionally appropriating Persian poetry or composing bilingual poems, Kurdish poets on the one hand have presented their level of familiarity and command of Persian language and literature, and, on the other hand, they have shown their interest and enthusiasm for it .   Statistical review Statistical studies show that a number of Kurdish poets have written Persian poetry in different proportions. Excerpts from these poems are listed as follows: Mustafa Beig Kordi: 18 out of a total 143 Abdul Rahman Salem: 24 out of a total 406 Nali: 5 out of a total 146 Haji Qader Kooi: 14 out of a total 136 Sheikh Reza Talabani: 4 out of a total 207 Mahwi 102 out of a total 302 Wafa’i: 88 out of a total 220 Nari: 5 out of a total 81 Mesbah al-Diwan Adab: 7 out of a total 140 poems In total, it should be said that ten percent of the volume of Kurdish Divan in this period is Persian poetry. Poetry themes From a thematic perspective, these poems are categorized in the framework of classical structures of the Persian poetry; in other words, the most important of these structures are lyric, ode, praise, satire, description (nature/spring), romantic-mystical mystery, and Sufism. Stylistic classification Following an examination of such poems based on the characteristics of the styles, the results of the research show that a majority of them are categorized in the framework of the Iraqi style, and, to a small extent, in the domain of the Indian style. Poetry genres Different types of poetry can be found in the poetry of Kurdish poets: ghazal, ode, qat’e, mathnawi, tarkibband, tarji'band, quatrain, single couplets, mukhammas, musammat, etc. In this respect, there are similarities and correspondences with Persian poetry . (Ahmadi, 1395: 48) Other features of Persian poetry in Kurdish literature Since these poets are multilingual, it is obvious that similar thoughts have penetrated into their Persian and Kurdish poetry. In expressing their concepts, the Kurdish poets have sometimes acted as if they have embarked on the approach of translating words, or it seems that the tone of their words is dominated by their mother tongue. In the Persian poetry of the Kurdish poets, we sometimes encounter colloquial expressions. For example, in poetic language, elements of slang are evident. Sometimes proverbs, famous sayings, and Kurdish epigrams have penetrated into the Persian poetry. The influence of religious literature, Quranic texts, and hadith on the poetry of Kurdish poets (both Kurdish and Persian), is obvious and frequent. (Mohamdi & Gaffari, 1395: 154-155) Famous poets of Persian literature have always cast a subtle shadow over Kurdish literature, which is reflected in various forms in Kurdish poetry as well as the Persian poetry of Kurdish poets .   Conclusion Persian poetry of Kurdish poets, from a stylistics perspective, is in the field of Iraqi style. Therefore, the Iraqi style of Persian poetry should be extended beyond the current borders to wherever the Kurds live. Some signs and convergences with the Indian style are evident in these poems. The most salient features of the Persian poetry of the Kurdish poets include: Using Kurdish tone and interpretations Translating Kurdish proverbs into Persian Prevalence of slang Obvious influence of famous Iranian poets such as Hafez, Sa’di, and Rumi Influence of Kurdish poets Thematic commonalities in their Kurdish and Persian poetry
