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Green Marketing is becoming a buzz for the society nowadays and people start shifting their demands towards a product which is related towards environmental safeguard. Nowadays companies from different industries sectors are showing their keen interest and taking various initiatives towards green marking. Electronic products having eco safeguard and are less detrimental to the environment are labeled as Energy star by United States Environmental Protection Agency In the United States, 2% of annual electricity consumption accounts for personal computers. The requirement of Energy Star labels is of computers, which possesses 65 % more efficiency label than regular products. By adopting these computers, $1.2 billion will be saved by the industries over the product’s life. In the year 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency Partnership with Walmart based on Green Power recognized Walmart in the United States as the largest green power generator. In year 2012, Walmart was able to deliver 297 million more cases while reducing the drive by 11 million miles, which in 2012 alone increases fleet efficiency by 10 percent. This present study aims to identify emerging areas in green marketing in different sectors of industries exploring the scope and effectiveness of the same in developing countries.
