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نقشواسطه گریکارآفریندرحکمرانیشرکتیوبهبودعملکردمالیاهمیتفراوانیدارد. دراینپژوهشکارآفرینیشرکتیبه عنوانعاملیاثرگذاردربهبودعملکردمالیدرقالبالگوییمورداستفادهقرارگرفت. بااستفادهازروشتحقیقتوصیفیازنوعهمبستگیدرنمونهایمتشکلاز 203 شرکت فعالدربازاربورساوراقبهادارتهراناطلاعاتمدیرانارشدشرکت هادرقالبپرسشنامههایاستانداردگردآوریوپایاییورواییآنهاتوسطآزمون هایواگراییوهمگراییموردسنجشقرارگرفت. نتایجنشاندادحاکمیتشرکتیبرعملکردشرکت هابه طورمعنا داریمثبتبودهاست. همچنینرابطهمثبتومعنا داریبینحاکمیتشرکتیونقشواسطهگریکارآفرینیدرقالبفعالیتنوآورانهوریسک پذیریتأییدشدهاست The main objective of this research is to provide a new model of corporate governance and corporate performance, corporate entrepreneurship which has been used as a factor in this regard. The research method is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the study is the companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange, which is based on the Cochran formula, 203 company's top managers has been used to collect data. Data were collected by using three standard questionnaires. Reliability and validity were verified by divergence and convergence tests. The data analysis method was performed using Smart-Pls software. The results of the research showed that corporate governance has positively and significantly influenced the firm's performance. It was also confirmed that corporate governance has positively and significantly influenced entrepreneurial dimensions in terms of innovative activity, risk taking and competitors as well as entrepreneurial dimensions in terms of risk taking, innovative activity and competitors on company performance.
