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عدلیه بعد از استقرار نظام مشروطیت همواره در سه بُعد ساختار، قوانین و نیروی انسانی دچار نواقص و معایب فراوان بود و این میراث به دوره پهلوی انتقال پیدا نمود. علی اکبر داور در اوایل سلطنت رضاشاه بر اساس اختیاراتی که از مجلس دریافت کرد اقدام به انحلال و تجدید سازمان عدلیه نمود و یکی از ابعاد اقدامات او تصفیه و تغییر وسیع قضات بود. حدود 25 سال بعد نیز محمد مصدق بر اساس اختیارات وسیعی که دریافت کرد و در شرایطی که فساد و ناکارآمدی در دادگستری موج می زد اقدام به اصلاحات و نوآوری نمود و بخشی از ابعاد اقدامات او نیز تصفیه و تغییر قضات دادگستری بود. یافته ها و نتایج این پژوهش نشان می دهند که زمینه های اصلی در شکل گیری جریان وسیع و پر شتاب عزل و تغییر قضات، مربوط به فساد و ناکارآمدیِ مشهود در دستگاه قضا بود و اهداف اصلی داور و مصدق نیز عبارت بودند از حذف قضات نالایق و جایگزین کردن افرادی ذی صلاح.

Investigating the Causes of Liquidation and Change of Judges in the Term of Authorithies of Ali Akbar Davar and the Term of Authorithies of Mohammad Mosaddegh in the Pahlavi Era

After the establishment of the constitutional system, justice has always had many shortcomings and defects in three dimensions of structure, laws and manpower, and this legacy has been transferred to the Pahlavi period. Ali Akbar Davar, in the early days of Reza Shah's reign, dissolved and reorganized the judiciary based on the authority he received from parliament, and one of the dimensions of his actions was the purge and extensive change of judges. About 25 years later, Mohammad Mossadegh reformed and innovated on the basis of the extensive authorities he received, in the face of corruption and inefficiency in the judiciary, and part of the scale of his actions was to purge and change the judges of the judiciary. The findings of this study represent that the main reasons for the formation of a large and rapid process of dismissal and change of judges were related to the obvious corruption and inefficiency in the judiciary, and the main goals of the judge and Mossadegh were to eliminate incompetent judges and replace competent persons.
