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قرارداد پیش فروش آپارتمان از جمله قراردادهایی است که همگام با پیشرفت و صنعتی شدن جوامع رشد روزافزونی داشته است. ماهیت حقوقی اینگونه قراردادها و نیز شرایط و آثار آن پاره ای ابهامات را به ذهن متبادر می کند. ابهاماتی که با تصویب قانون پیش فروش ساختمان نیز مرتفع نگردید. در این مقاله ابتدا ماهیت قرارداد پیش فروش آپارتمان و سپس شرایط و آثار قرارداد مزبور را با نگاهی به حقوق انگلیس بررسی می کنیم. به نظر می رسد که قالب حقوقی شایسته برای بیان می باشد که در این تحقیق به آن اشاره « بیع معدوم به تبع موجود » ماهیت قرارداد مزبور، قالب می شود. قرارداد پیش فروش آپارتمان علاوه بر شرایط اساسی قراردادها دارای شرایط شکلی خاصی جهت تنظیم قرارداد می باشد. واضح است که فقدان شرایط اساسی و شکلی قرارداد ، ضمانت اجرای خاص خود را دارد؛ همچنین قرارداد مزبور هم در حقوق ایران هم در حقوق انگلیس واجد آثاری نسبت به پیش فروشنده، پیش خریدار و ثالث می باشد.

Apartment Presale Contract In Legal System of Iran and England

Apartment pre-sale contract is one of the contracts that increasingly has been grown along with the development and industrialization of societies. The nature of these contracts is important. In our country, in spite of the building pre-sale act approvaled in 1389/10/12there is still ambiguity about the nature of the so- called contract. The reason is the fact that building presale act is procedural and basically doesn’t address the nature of these contracts. In this research we studied the theory of the nature of building pre-sale contract and compared this contract with nameless commitment contracts and ownership ones. Commitment contracts including commitment to purchase, employment and material contract, contract work, and also ownership contracts including under-contract sale, predecessor sale, and to build good order contract sale are among similar natures that have been investigated in this study. It seem that proper legal framework for expressing the so-called contract nature is the framework of nonexistent sale subjects exist which we address it here. In addition to basic conditions of the contracts, for making the contract, It is notable that apartment pre-sale contract in the law of building pre-sale has particular procedural conditions. It is obvious that the lack of procedural and basic conditions of the contract has its own enforcement. Also this contract has some impression for the preseller, pre-buyer and third party in Iran law and England law. The rights and commitments of each party and also the commitments enforcement can be addressed for further studies Contract.
