
ولایت مرد نسبت به زن خود دارای معانی با سعه و ضیق مختلفی است که د راین نوشتار میزان این ولایت و معنای آن بر اساس نظریات فقهی و تفسیری مختلف در برداشت از تعبیر " قوامون " درآیه شریفه "الرجال قوامون علی النساء" و همینطور از معنای لفظ "معروف" در آیه شریفه "عاشروهن بالمعروف" تبیین میگردد و بر اساس همین معنای برداشت شده و حدود ولایت تعیین شده (چهار نظریه در بحث قیمومیت و دو نظریه در بحث معروف) نتیجه گرفته میشود که در مسائل درمانی مخصوصا درمان ناباروری، آن دسته از درمانهایی که حقوق شوهر از جمله استمتائات جنسی وی را تحت الشعاع قرار میدهد اذن شوهر در انجام ان لازم است ولی در درمانهای بی ارتباط با حقوق شوهر اذن وی لازم نیست .

The role of the husband's permission in taking a donated embryo for the treatment of infertility by looking at the verse "Guardianship" and the verse "Ma'roof"

A man's guardianship over his wife has different meanings, which are wide and narrow. In this article, the extent of this guardianship and its meaning are based on different jurisprudential theories and interpretations in the interpretation of "Qawamun" in the honorable verse "Al-Rajal Qawamun Ali-Nisa" and also from the meaning The word "known" is explained in the honorable verse "Ashruhan b al-maruf" and based on this meaning and the limits of guardianship are determined (four theories in the discussion of guardianship and two theories in the discussion of famous) it is concluded that in medical issues, especially the treatment of infertility, it The husband's permission is required for the treatment that overshadows the husband's rights, including sexual abuse, but his permission is not required for treatments unrelated to the husband's rights.
