
هدف: به لحاظ گسترش روزافزون رسانه های اجتماعی و اهمیت بازاریابی تأثیرگذار و با توجه به پراکندگی پژوهش های قبلی، هدف اصلی این پژوهش، شناسایی عوامل مؤثر روابط فرااجتماعی بر بازاریابی تأثیرگذار و دسته بندی آن ها، اعم از سازه های پیشین، تصمیم ها، نتیجه ها، روش ها، بافتارها، نظریه ها و شکاف های پژوهشی این حوزه است. روش: روش اجرای پژوهش کیفی و از نوع مرور نظام مند بیبلیومتریک با استفاده از نرم افزار وس ویور و زبان برنامه نویسی آر است. یافته ها: در بخش تحلیل، عملکرد کشورها و نویسندگان پُراستناد شناسایی شد و در بخش ترسیم علم، چهار خوشه به دست آمد که عبارت اند از: 1. بازاریابی تأثیرگذار؛ 2. تحلیل عوامل روان شناختی (درک جذابیت فیزیکی، اعتبار منبع و...) مؤثر بر تأثیرپذیری مخاطب؛ 3. تعامل فرااجتماعی و روابط فرااجتماعی؛ 4. متقاعدسازی. همچنین، سه واژه پُرتکرار «بازاریابی تأثیرگذار»، «رسانه اجتماعی» و «اثر» در تحلیل هم رخدادی واژگان شناسایی شده است. نتیجه گیری: نتایج نشان می دهد که پنج سازه بسیار مهم پیشین بازاریابی تأثیرگذار عبارت اند از: ویژگی های فرد تأثیرگذار، ویژگی های مخاطب، ویژگی های رسانه اجتماعی، ویژگی های محتوا و ویژگی های روابط فرااجتماعی. همچنین، بسترهای مهم این فرایند از نظر بافتار عبارت اند از: فرهنگ، نوع ارتباط، شخصیت، تطابق فرد تأثیرگذار محتوا و هوش مصنوعی. افزون بر این، ایجاد و توسعه روابط فرااجتماعی، مهم ترین تصمیم رفتاری و افزایش اثربخشی بازاریابی تأثیرگذار، مهم ترین خروجی فرایند بازاریابی تأثیرگذار است. بر اساس آنچه بیان شد، مدیران می توانند با در نظر گرفتن سه موضوع، فرایند بازاریابی تأثیرگذار را بهبود بخشند: 1. ویژگی های منبع، برای مثال انتخاب اینفلوئنسر مناسب؛ 2. توجه به کانال مناسب و ویژگی های رسانه اجتماعی، به عنوان راه ارتباطی و دریافت بازخور و متناسب با بازار هدف؛ 3. توجه به نیاز مصرف کننده و ارائه محتوای متناسب با نیاز آن ها.

Designing a Para-social Relationships Framework of Instagram Influencers Based on Influencer Marketing: A Bibliometric Approach

Objective Today's social media and social networking sites (SNS) have had a significant impact on how people receive information and news. A recent report from the Pew Research Center shows that most adults in the United States rely heavily on social media for news, and that number has been increasing in recent years. These new sources of information also mean that people are now exposed to a large number of commercials on a daily basis, most of which are embedded in social networks. In the meantime, we are facing the phenomenon of social influence. Social influence is a concept that includes a wide range of phenomena such as socialization, obedience, compliance, conformity and persuasion. This concept refers to the process of changing opinions, attitudes and behaviors as a result of interacting with people around us. Currently, a large part of social interactions takes place in online environments where social influence processes occur. The convergence of collective and interpersonal communication, which is characteristic of online communication and especially social media, helps to increase the complexity of social influence processes. Technological capabilities have dramatically changed the traditional communication approach in terms of message control, audience scale, source ambiguity, receiver ambiguity, and temporal ambiguity, and as a result, have affected the process of social influence. In addition, today, the emergence and popularity of social networks has led to a change in consumers' media consumption and the means of communication between customers and brands have undergone fundamental changes. Currently, many brands, including retail brands and consumer goods, clothing, tourism, beauty products, etc., use different social media platforms, and many of them have added social media to their marketing strategies. Social media are considered to be an effective way to attract new customers and retain customers, because they rely on the users’ generated data, which are considered more reliable than the content available on the official websites of companies. These social networks are able to create real connections between users and brands, which has a positive effect on the performance results of brands. The ability to use these social networks in marketing actions has made them one of the research priorities of the marketing field. Among the most popular social network platforms is Instagram, which has the fastest growing number of users among social networks. This social network has succeeded in attracting the attention of social network users by continuously providing new and attractive features. One of Instagram's recent actions has been providing special capabilities for businesses so that these businesses can easily use this social network to achieve their business goals.Social media influencers act as digital opinion leaders, observers, and strategic communication actors on various social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Influencers' embedded advertising messages are often seen as honest opinions, so they are highly persuasive. In addition, influencers and their groups of followers are involved in a mediated relationship, and there is evidence that the quality of this relationship affects the effectiveness of influencers' advertising messages. Horton and Wohl have called this relationship a para-social relationship, which is intended to be an illusory close relationship between the audience and the media personality. Given the significance of influencer marketing, and the diffused knowledge in the body of literature, this study attempts to take a comprehensive look at the agents influencing the para-social relationships process to enhance the effectiveness of influencer marketing on social media. With the help of the Bibliometrix® package of R and VOSviewer software, the science performance and the scientific network were discussed and mapped. By showing four main clusters in the co-citation analysis, theories, contexts, and main constructs of the field were identified, and by co-occurrence analysis, the recent trends were identified, which all eventually presented in the conceptual framework. The most common antecedents and consequences of influencer marketing were presented together with contexts. Research Methodology Bibliometric systematic review has been applied to identify and analyze thematic trends in para-social relationships and influencer marketing scopes. Bibliometric analysis is a specific scientific field that examines the evolution of knowledge, scientific quality, and the impact of resources in this field from an objective and quantitative perspective. The bibliometric method generally has two main parts: (1) performance analysis and (2) intellectual mapping of science. In the section on performance analysis, the actions of authors, countries, and scientific institutes and their contribution to scientific development in a field are inquired, while knowledge maps are used to recognize the intellectual structure of a field and examine time trends and current issues in each period. Findings By using co-citation analysis, not only the most influential publications are identified, but also researchers can find thematic clusters. Here, thematic clusters were extracted based on the mentioned publications. With at least 15 Citations, total number of 13258 cited references was considered which results in 84 items (34 in cluster 1, 19 in cluster 2, 16 in cluster3, 15 in cluster 4), 4 clusters, 3388 links and total links strength 18086. In the performance analysis section, the most-cited countries, authors, and articles were identified. The United States, China, and Germany were the most prominent countries in this field. In the co-citation analysis, four main clusters were identified and the main constructs of each cluster were drawn out along with substantial theories, contexts, and methods. With the help of these constructs, the antecedents and consequences of the influencer marketing process were presented. Co-occurrence analysis considered new trends in this field that help to complete the framework. Discussion & Conclusion Based on the ADO-TCM framework, five important antecedents of the influencer marketing process were introduced: influencers’ characteristics, audience characteristics, social media characteristics, content characteristics, and para-social relationships characteristics. Creating and developing para-social relationships is the most important behavioral decision and increasing the effectiveness of influencer marketing is the most important output of the influencer marketing process. Finally, culture and artificial intelligence were introduced as important contexts to facilitate this process that was not seen in the literature. So, the current literature has the ability to develop and grow, at least from a theoretical perspective, because the lack of a comprehensive framework that does not focus on only one element or part of the process and identifies various influential factors of influencer marketing is felt.
