
Some exegetic comments narrated from early scholars do not relate neither to the Quranic context, nor to lexicographical and linguistic evidences. As a case, such irrelevance can be observed for the verb faraḍa in the verse (Q.24:1), as well as the verse (Q.28:85). Regarding methodology, this research used both traditional lexicographical and linguistic etymological inquiries. The result of the research is the fact that both verses are speaking of the philosophy of the Quranic surahs being revealed gradually in separate parts appropriate to social occasions and the challenges in prophetic era. 

بازاندیشی در واژه «فَرَضَ»: پژوهشی در تفاسیر نخستین و ارتباط بافتی آنها

بافت قرآن ،سوره های قرآن ،شان نزول ،نزول تدریجی ،ریشه شناسی سامی،
