
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إن شهریار و نازک الملائکه یعتبران کشاعرین رائدین فی الأدبین الفارسی والعربی المعاصرین. هناک قواسم مشترکه بین آراءهما. حصلت هذه الأخیره علی حب حقیقی بعد الخیبه فی العلاقات الغرامیه والإصابه بالحیره والحزن حتی وصلت إلی إنشاد الشعر الغرامی بمراتبه العلیا. قد ظهر روح مکافحه الظلم وحب الإنسان والعداله وبیان الآلام الاجتماعیه فی أشعارهما. هذان الشاعران یعدّان الآلام الاجتماعیه المصابه بها بلادهما مصوّرین شعورهما بالمسؤولیه إزاء الوطن. لا شک أنه کان لشهریار ما کان لنازک من لغه نافذه سلسه فی کتابه قصص الحیاه الدراماتیه إلی حد لانکاد نراه بین الشعراء المعاصرین. فالأشعار الاجتماعیه والسیاسیه لشهریار وغزله الغرامی وأشعاره الترکیه خاصه تلقی الضوء علی حنینه إلی أیامه الطفولیه، الأمر الذی یعجب به سائر الشعراء فی الأدبین الترکی والفارسی والأدب العالمی. تهدف المقاله معتمده علی المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی إلی التعریف بالخلود وجذبه الأشعار الاجتماعیه والعرفانیه لهذین الشاعرین کی تکشف عن سر تأثیر ذوی المعرفه والرأی فی تطور مضامین کالعداله وکفاح الظلم والفقر والعلاقات الغرامیه.

Comparative Study of the Poems of Mohammad Hossein Shahriyar and Nazak al-Malaeka from the Perspective of Social Criticism

Mohammad Hussein Shahriyar and Nazak al-Malaeka are two great poets and pioneers in contemporary Persian and Arabic literature. Nazak al-Malaeka, like Shahriyar, has reached true love after the failure of love that he has seen displaced and confused. The spirit of oppression, altruism, justice and the expression of social pains are in the poems of both poets and it is the way for oppressed nations. Undoubtedly, the penetrating and miraculous language of Mohammad Hossein Shahriyar in creating dramatic and happy stories of his life is so fascinating and sweet that it can be boldly said that none of his contemporaries is equal to him. Social and political poems, his love poems and pieces and poems, especially Turkish Shahriyar, have been expressed in a fascinating and emotional way that expresses the nostalgia of the poet's childhood to the highest degree and all poets and speakers in Turkish literature and Persian and the literature of other nations of the world are also astonishing. This article is expressed in an analytical-descriptive way. The present study has tried to know the secret of permanence and attractiveness of social and mystical poems of Mohammad Hossein Shahriyar and Nazak al-Malaeka and the influence of knowledge and thought in themes such as justice, oppression, love and altruism, love, anti-poverty and ... take one more step to the destination.
