
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


المشکله اللغویه فی عصرنا هی أنّ العربیه الفصیحه المکتوبه هی غیر العربیه المستعمله فی التخاطب وغیر اللهجات الدارجه التی لم ترق إلی لغه المثقفین، وهی فی مادتها نماذج متأخره ولیس قیام المشکله علی هذا الوجه بمستحیل الحل. وشیوع الثقافه وتیسیر المعرفه لأبناء العربیه علی شکل عام کفیل برفع مستوی اللغه إلی الحد الذی کانت علیه العربیه فی مختلف عصورها، فلم یسلم عصر من عصور التاریخ اللغوی من ازدواج فی اللغه. وربما کانت العامیه الدارجه قریبه من الفصیحه لغه الکتابه ولکنها متحلله من ضوابط الإعراب؛ فالمتکلمون بها یلتزمون الإسکان فی صورها وهذا ما نصبوا إلیه فی تقریب العامیه فی الفصیح. وهذا معناه أنّ اللهجات العامیه تتعدّل وتتهذّب ویدلک الخشن فیها فیلین، ولکنها لا ولن تُغلب ویجب ألّا تُغلب لأنّها المصدر ما ندعوه فصیحاً من الکلام. ومن جهه أخری، إنّ إبدال الفصحی بالعامیه عملیه تهدف إلی تجزئه الأمه الواحده إلی کیانات لغویه متباینه تعمل علی إعاقه تحقیق الوحده العربیه، وتقطیع الصلات والوشائح التی تکونت عبر الزمن بفضل اللغه الواحده. إذن، لابدّ لنا أن نقبل علی إتجاه یدعو إلی نوع من الملاقاه والتوحید بین الفصحی والعامیه. وهذا هو ما نحاول إلقاء الضوء علیه فی هذا المقال.

Relationships among the Contemporary Dialects and the Formal Language and their Effects on it

As the Arabic formal language is the national unifier that unites the sons of the Arabs, so that it is a common language and the one of the Holy Quran, ideological inherited, and the language of science and knowledge, vulgar dialects in different Arab countries, however, differ to the extent that, for example, a man from one of the eastern Arab countries isn't able to find out the accent of an Arab from Algeria or  Morocco. And the linguistic problem in our era is that the formal written Arabic differs from the one applied in conversation and from vernacular dialects which don't live up to scholars' tongue and which are late models in substance and this problem isn't insoluble in this manner. And The prevalence of culture and facilitating knowledge for the people of Arab in the general form is sponsor to raise the level of  language to the extent that Arabic was at that level in diverse eras, Did not recognize periods of history from the era of linguistic duality in language. And perhaps the colloquial dialect, close to the formal language, was writing language and That is for the safety of its structures and the choice of its wording that was accurate in Arabic But it was released from the restraints of expression; so its speakers committed to housing in pictures and this is what they aspired in making the colloquial dialect close to the formal language. And this means that colloquial dialects may alter and be reformed and indelicacy guide you in it but it will soften but it will never be overcome and it must not be overcome because it is the source what we call eloquent of speech. On the other hand, replacing the formal language  with the colloquial dialect is a process that aims to break down the one nation indivisible to different linguistic entities which act to impede the achievement of Arab  Unity, and to cut links and close ties that formed over time thanks to one single language. Consequently, we must accept the direction that calls to a type of linkup  and unification between the formal language and the vernacular one. And this is what we are trying to clarify in this article.
