
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


شکلت موضوعات الحِکم والأمثال الفارسیه، القسم الکبیر من الکتب والرسائل المترجمه عن الفارسیه وأبرزها فی مجال الفکر والأدب. وکانت کذلک ت ُعرَفُ باسم کُتب النصائح أو المواعظ، وهی ترجمه ال <اندرز> أو ال <الپند> بالفارسیه. یؤکد هذا المقال علی أن مثل هذه الکتابات من الجوانب المهمه فی الأدب الفارسی بل هی من أرکانه.وبعد تقصی الحقائق التاریخیه والأدبیه خلال العصور المنصرمه، ومراجعه البحوث الدائره، یظهر لنا بأنّ للفرس دورا کبیرا فی الأدب العربی بما کتبوا فیه، وأغنوه بمعارفهم ونتاج قرائحهم. وقد نبغ منهم مؤلفون کبار فی شتّی العلوم العربیه واللسانیه، وانتشرت اللغه العربیه فی بلاد فارس، وأصبحت عندهم لغه العلوم والآداب، فتأثر الأدب الفارسی بالأدب العربی إلى حدّ بعید.

Aspects of Proverbs in Persian Literature

A majority of books and writing translated from Persian literature include Persian proverbs among which wisdom and advice are of high importance. These books, as we know, are translated pieces of advice and wisdom from Persian and are known as “books of advice”. This paper aims at showing that these books are among the basic principles of Persian literature.  Having studied historical and literary facts of the past, and referring to contemporary materials and resources, it is revealed that Persian people have played a significant role in Arab literature and enriched it using their knowledge and findings.  Reasons for this claim are the genius and great authors in different fields of science in the Arab world, and that Arabic has so been spread in Persian lands which is widely used in poems as well as science. Persian language and literature, however, has to a great extent been influenced by Arabic.
