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کثیرا من الشعراءالعراقیین تطرقوا فی اشعارهم الی الوضع السائد و الحاکم علی الشعب العراقی و مدی ظلم الحاکم و المحتل لبلادهم ونهجوا مناهج مختلفه لتبین ما حلّ بوطنهم العراق. و من هذه المناهج التی کان لها صدی مؤثر و فعّال فی نفوس العراقیین هو استخدام الشعر الساخر و قد برزالکثیر من الشعراء الساخرون یتخذون من الشعر الساخر سلاحا للدفاع عن مبادئهم و تنویر افکارشعبهم المضطهد .ومن هؤلاء الشعراء محمدرضا الشبیبی الذی یعد من ابرز الشعراء العراقیین الذین وظّفوا السخریه فی معالجه الکثیر من القضایا الاجتماعیه،الثقافیه،الدینیه والسیاسیه فی مجتمعه العراقی خاصه و قضایا الوطن العربی عامه. إنَّ الشبیبی و أفکاره السیاسیّه تجاوزت إطار العراق وشملت اطاراً أوسع واشمل وهوالإطارالعربی، فقد کبر الوطن فی فکره ،وصورته علی قلمه فهو لم یعد یبکی علی الفرات فرداً بل بدأ یبکی علی الجزیره العربیه بأکملها.وأخذ یسخر ممّا حلّ بالوطن العربی یسخر من القاده ،یسخرمن رجال الدین ویسخرمن العادات والتقالیدوما شابه ذلک.فهذه الدراسه اعتمدت علی المنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی فی معالجه ملامح السخریه فی شعر محمدرضا الشبیبی و تبین اهدافه من توظیف هکذا فن للوصول الی غایاته.

Irony in the poetry of Muhammad Reda al-Shabibi

Many Iraqi poets, in their poems, touched on the prevailing and ruling situation on the Iraqi people and the extent of the oppression of the ruler and occupier of their country, and they took different approaches to explain what happened to their homeland, Iraq. Among these methods, which have had an effective and effective resonance in the hearts of Iraqis, is the use of satirical poetry, and many satirical poets have emerged who use satirical poetry as a weapon to defend their principles and enlighten the ideas of their oppressed people. Irony in dealing with many social, cultural, religious and political issues in the Iraqi society in particular and the issues of the Arab world in general. Al-Shabibi and his political ideas went beyond the framework of Iraq and included a broader and more comprehensive framework, which is the Arab framework. Religion and mocking customs and traditions and the like. This study relied on the descriptive-analytical approach in dealing with the features of irony in the poetry of Muhammad Reda Al-Shabibi and showing his goals from employing such an art to reach his goals. Keywords: irony - al-Shabibi - Iraq - poetry - satire
