A Comparative Study of Human Creation from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an and Science and Criticizing the Misconceptions
حوزههای تخصصی:
Raising issues thereby man is guided to the Right Path, the Holy Qur’an refers to scientific issues. One of the most important axes in the Qur’an is the origin and creation of man. The quality of his creation and the origin of his life are discussed fluently in 76 verses of 41 Surahs. With the growth of embryology in the twentieth century, some have sought to adapt such verses to it to clarify the truths of the Qur’an to the audience, while others have challenged such verses and raised misconceptions such as inconsistency of embryonic stages in the Qur’an with the embryology, semen coming out of the spine and ribs (solb and tarā’ib), devaluating semen, the creation of the fetus from the male sperm and not paying attention to the role of the female sperm, determining the time of the fetus sex, descripting sperm as amshāj, the difference of ‘alaq without “tā” and with “tā”, the difference between the adding letters of “thumma”, “fā”, and so on. As a result, the confirmation of embryological knowledge by the valuable Qur’anic teachings in the study of human creation is proved. Also the mentioned misconceptions have basic problems, for the issues referred in the Qur’an are consistent with the findings of modern science, as well as, there are reasonable answers to all these doubts and differences.