مؤلفه های تبلیغِ کاربردیِ دین در بینش تمدنی شریعت اسلام مبتنی بر تحلیل اندیشه های مقام معظم رهبری (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
در دنیای امروز که از آن تعبیر به «دهکده جهانی» می شود، اهمیت تبلیغ و اطلاع رسانی بر کسی پوشیده نیست. در این میان، نقش اطلاع رسانی دینی در بینش تمدنی آیین مبین اسلام، از سایر حوزه ها برجسته تر است؛ زیرا قدرت های بزرگ جهانی همواره می کوشند با تحمیل فرهنگ خود و تبدیل آن به گفتمان رایج و ایجاد شبهه در مبانی دینی و اعتقادی کشورها، به اضمحلال بنیان های اخلاقی و اعتقادی جوامع بپردازند؛ لذا با عنایت به این امر، تبلیغ دین و ارزش های نشأت گرفته از آن به جهت ترویج دین و ارزش های اسلامی و از این رهگذر مبارزه با تهاجم فرهنگی، ضرورت ویژه ای می یابد. پژوهش حاضر در همین راستا و نظر به اهمیت مطلب، در جستاری توصیفی- تحلیلی و با نگاهی مسئله محور کوشیده است مؤلفه های تبلیغ کاربردی و ثمربخش را در آرای رهبری انقلاب مورد مطالعه قرار دهد. رهاورد پژوهش بیانگر این است که مؤلفه ها و لوازم چنین تبلیغ مؤثری در چهار محور در بیانات و آرای معظم له قابل شناسایی و تحلیل است: 1. مخاطب شناسی صحیح 2. اتخاذ رویکرد انتقادی و تهاجمی نسبت به مبانی فکری باطل 3. لزوم داشتن روحیه جهادی در امر تبلیغ 4. نگاه ویژه و خاص به نسل جوان. مقاله ی حاضر پس از واکاوی و تحلیل هریک از مؤلفه های مزبور، به تحلیل آن ها در پرتو رجوع به میراث سترگ دینی و نیز بیانات رهبری انقلاب در بازه های زمانی گوناگون زمامداری ایشان پرداخته است.The Characteristics of the Practical Propagation of Religion in the Civil Vision of Islamic Sharia Based on the analysis of the thoughts of the Supreme Leader
Purpose: the present research is written with the aim of demonstrating the characteristics of applied propaganda of religion in the thought of the Supreme Leader. In today's world, the importance of propaganda and information is widely acknowledged. Furthermore, colonial powers have a long history of attempting to destroy the moral and belief foundations of societies. By imposing their culture and transforming it into a shared discourse, and by fostering distrust in the religious and belief foundations of countries, it becomes clear that the propagation of religion and the values derived from it—in order to advance religion and Islamic values—and from this, the fight against cultural aggression, becomes a pressing necessity.Methodology: the research method employed is descriptive-analytical. Consequently, the initial stage of the research process entails the collection of data and information pertinent to the subject matter from the statements of the supreme leader, spanning from the inception of his rule to the present day. This data is then subjected to a process of classification and analysis.Findings: the findings of the research demonstrate that the opinions of leaders in this field can be extracted and analysed along four distinct axes. In the opinion of His Holiness, the initial step in the practical promotion sof religion is the accurate identification of the target audience. He posits that accurate and principled propagation is contingent upon a precise understanding of the audience. It is imperative to acknowledge that the level of public awareness of the audience in the contemporary era is not commensurate with that of previous eras. Accordingly, from the perspective of the revolutionary leader, the issue of propaganda can be effectively neutralised without due consideration of this fact. The second feature in this regard is the adoption of an assertive stance towards the propagation of falsehood. In the context of the revolutionary leader's thought system, the objective of comprehensive and principled propaganda is not merely to address suspicion and dispel the intrigue of those who hold such views. It is also imperative to adopt an assertive stance towards the intellectual foundations of those with opposing views. However, this approach is contingent upon the recognition of diverse ideas and global currents, and the subsequent pursuit of enlightenment. A third practical point in the field of propaganda is the fostering of a jihadist mood. Ayatollah Khamenei posits that a jihadist attitude will improve circumstances in general. However, the importance of this issue lies more in the propagation of religion. In principle, propaganda that does not align with jihadist morality will be ineffective. In the statements of the Supreme Leader, the meaning of jihadi propaganda is defined as a form of propaganda conducted in accordance with Allah's will, with complete trust in Him, and with sincerity of intention. Those who engage in such propaganda with unwavering faith in Allah's success and assistance, and with resilience in the face of adversity, seek Allah's reward. Ultimately, His Holiness identifies the fourth element in the domain of practical propaganda as the necessity to prioritize the younger generation. In the view of the leader of the revolution, young people have historically been regarded as a distinct social group, and he holds a particular view of this segment of the population. In this regard, the leader of the revolution calls on religious missionaries to pay special attention to the younger generation and adolescents. Despite their future role as builders of the country.Conclusion: the evidence presented thus far demonstrates that effective and correct propaganda has played a significant role in the formation of modern Islamic civilisation. This is particularly evident in the efforts and endeavours of the Messenger of God (PBUH) and the subsequent Imams at'har (PBUH). It is therefore imperative that capable and thoughtful missionaries recognise their duty to protect this invaluable heritage and utilise the intellectual and religious foundations of the enlightened school of Ahl al-Bayt (A. S.) to be employed in the establishment of a novel Islamic civilisation, thereby ensuring that the ramifications of the dissemination of civilisation are fully realised. It is evident that there is a dearth of individuals proficient in disseminating Islamic teachings across diverse linguistic communities on a global scale. Furthermore, there is a pressing necessity for specialized training in international propagation. Propaganda that is in accordance with religious principles and standards, and which must possess a series of outstanding and necessary features and characteristics in order to achieve the desired results and consequences, according to the leader of the revolution.