دراسة سيميائية في قصيدة إذا الشعب يوما أراد الحياة على ضوء نظرية مايكل ريفاتير (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
إن السیمیائیه بشکل عام منهج نقدی حدیث، یسعى لمعالجه فهم النص، من خلال إمعان النظر الواعی فی نظام العلامات النصیه. توجد فی هذا المجال نظریات عدیده، إلا أنّ منهجیه مایکل ریفاتیر تعد من أهمّها وأبرزها، حیث تهتم بدراسه النص الأدبی، لکشف الجمال والإبداع الکامن وراء العلامات، وذلک عبر تأویل الإیحاءات وفک الشَّفرات التی قد یتجاوزها القارئ غیر الملمّ باللغه. فی هذه الأثناء، یتمّ العثور على نوعین من القراءه لإعاده إنتاج النص ومشارکه المتلقی فی إیجاده: الأولی تسمى القراءه الخطیّه أو الاکتشافیه التی تهتمّ بالتشاکل والتباین والألفاظ؛ والثانیه تُدعَى القراءه الارتجاعیه التی یتمّ من خلالها دراسه عناصر النصیه، کالخروج عن القاعده والمألوف والمنظومات الوصفیه والتعابیر المتراکمه والهیبوغرام والماتریس. نظرا إلی أنّ قصیده إذا الشعب یوما أراد الحیاه، لأبی القاسم الشابی، تشتمل على الکثیر من السمات السیمائیه والشفرات التی تحتاج إلى التأویل والتحلیل، فتهدف هذه المقاربه، عبر اعتمادها على المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی، إلی دراسه هذه القصیده، وفق نظریّه مایکل ریفاتیر. توصّلت المقاله إلی أن التعابیر المتراکمه فی هذه القصیده تنقسم إلی مجموعتین، تکشفان عن وجوه القصیده ولبِّها: المجموعه الأولی تتعلّق بعناصر الطبیعه، کالریح، والفجاج، والجبال، والشجر؛ والغرض الرئیس الذی یتحرّاه الشاعر من وراء هذه المجموعه هو استنهاض الأمَّه من خلال جرّ انتباهها إلی هذه العناصر التی تمثل الحرکه والنشاط والحیویه فی الحیاه؛ والمجموعه الثانیه تتمثّل فی نبذ الخوف، حیث إنّ الشاعر یرید أن یرسم فی وعی الأمّه أنّ السبیل الوحید للحیاه الکریمه لیس سوی ترک الحذر فی مثل هذه الظروف. وتبین أیضا أن المنظومات الوصفیه فیها تتوزع إلی ثلاث: الإراده، والطموح، والخمول، وأن الماتریس البنیوی یکشف لنا عن توحّد الموضوع والدلاله فی القصیده، رغم تعدّد المظاهر فیها.A Semiotic Study of the Poem “If the People One Day Wanted to Live” by Abi Al-Qasim Al-Shabi Using Michael Riffaterre’s Theory
Semiotics expresses the study of signs and connotations in literary texts. It is also “one of the modern sciences that emerged in the twentieth century and its primary goal is based on the study of signs and their relationships in the universe and their functions and effectiveness” (Rababah, 2011, p. 7). In this regard, there are several different trends that study the types of signs. Among these trends, one can point to communicative semiotics, semantic semiotics, cultural semiotics, and pragmatic semiotics. In view of the great interest of modern curricula in the literary text, these curricula have attempted to provide the critic with procedural tools that enable one to explore the depths of the text and reveal the truth of its meanings in order to reach the main position of the poet and the writer. Semiotics, in general, is a modern critical approach that seeks to address the understanding of text through careful consideration of the system of textual signs. There are many theories in this field, but the methodology of Riffaterre is one of the most important and prominent ones. It is concerned with studying the literary text to reveal the beauty and creativity behind the signs through the interpretation of suggestions and decoding codes that a reader who is not familiar with the language may overlook.In Riffaterre’s methodology, there are two types of reading to reproduce the text and involve the recipient in finding it. The first is linear or exploratory reading, which is concerned with shapes, contrasts, and words. In the second reading, textual elements are studied, such as departures from the norm, the familiar, descriptive systems, and metrical expressions. The importance of this topic is due to the fact that this poem is one of the sources of contemporary Arab poetry, which spreads in a society, time after time. It provides any society with morale, which makes it fight injustice and reject the oppressor as if it were an extended voice that resonates in the conscience of the nation to awaken it from its slumber and neglect, which has long been subjected to calamities. In addition, despite the importance of Rifattere’s methodology in analyzing poetic texts, there has been no attempt before this study to analyze this poem according to this methodology.Based on this, the present study attempts to answer the following two research questions: 1) What are the most important characteristics of semiotics in the linear reading of this poem according to Riffaterre’s methodology? And 2) What are the most prominent semiotic characteristics in the retrospective reading of this poem according to Riffaterre’s methodology? This approach, through its adoption of an analytical-descriptive approach, aims to study the poem ‘If the People One Day Wanted to Live’ by Abi Al-Qasim Al-Shabi according to the theory of Michael Riffaterre. After studying the poem and conducting an exploratory and retrospective reading of it, the research reached the following results: In the semiotics of morphology, the poet tries, by repeating some passages that carry connotations and a unified meaning, to demonstrate the consistency of the text, remove ambiguity from it, and expand its meaning, which clearly reflects the poet’s psychology to the reader. His interest in these meanings is what prompted him to this repetition, as it is an echo of what is going on in his mind and inside him. Another issue is that the poet used the semiotics of contrast extensively in his poem, and this feature contributed to embroidering the text and adding a charming color of beauty and clarity to it. The three descriptive systems in this poem revolve around the axis of idleness, determination, and toil in life. The accumulated expressions in this poem are elements of nature, rejection of fear, and love of life.