تأثیر آموزش موسیقی بر افزایش بازدهی تحصیلی دانش آموزان؛ مرور نظام مند مقالات علمی فارسی زبان یک دهه اخیر
تعلیم وتربیت بیش از هر فعالیت اجتماعی دیگر در تاریخ معاصر جهان مورد توجه بوده و تقریباً تمام توانایی ها و فعالیت های فرد، محصول آموزش هایی است که در طول زندگی فرا می گیرد. در سال های اخیر، آموزش موسیقی به عنوان یک ابزار آموزشی جهت افزایش ذوق زیبایی شناسانه و بالا بردن بازدهی و بهبود عملکرد تحصیلی افراد، مورد توجه ساختارهای آموزشی قرار گرفته است. این پژوهش در پی پاسخ به این سؤال اساسی بوده است که آیا آموزش موسیقی در ایران به بهبود عملکرد تحصیلی دانش آموزان منتهی می شود یا خیر؟ این پژوهش با روش مروری نظام مند به بررسی مجموعه مقالاتی که در این حوزه در کشور نوشته شده، پرداخته است. دستیابی به مقالات با بررسی سه پایگاه داده علمی اصلی در ایران انجام شده و صرفاً به تحقیقاتی که روش انجام پژوهش علمی در آن ها به درستی رعایت شده، توجه نهایی شده است. از میان 47 مقاله شناسایی شده، شش مقاله انتخاب و بررسی و تحلیل شد. با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده، آموزش موسیقی تأثیر مثبتی بر بهبود عملکرد تحصیلی افراد داشته و در تقویت فرایند یادگیری در دروسی خاص مانند ریاضی و ادبیات هم تأثیر مستقیمی دارد.A Systematic Review of the Impact of Music Education on Enhancing Academic Efficiency among Iranian Students
Objective: Education has received more attention than any other social activity in contemporary world history. Nearly all of an individual’s abilities and activities are the result of education acquired throughout their lifetime. In recent years, music education has been recognized as an educational tool to enhance aesthetic appreciation, improve productivity, and boost academic performance. This study aims to address the fundamental question: does music education in Iran lead to an improvement in students’ academic performance? The research employs a systematic review method to analyze a collection of studies conducted in this field within the country. Articles were identified through three major scientific databases in Iran, focusing only on studies that adhered to proper scientific research methodologies. Out of 47 identified articles, 6 were selected for further examination and analysis. The findings indicate that music education has a positive effect on improving academic performance and directly enhances the learning process in specific subjects such as mathematics and literature. The education of individuals is one of the most important social activities that has gained significant attention in the contemporary world. Almost all human abilities are either created or transformed from potential to actual capacity through education. The importance of education is evident, as the realization of human essence depends on it, and the activities offered under the title of education are essential for growth and development. Different schools of thought and theories define various objectives and tasks for the educational system. However, the main mission of education can be summarized in three areas: teaching basic concepts such as reading, writing, and arithmetic; fostering an aesthetic sense through artistic education like music and painting; and socializing the child, which is tied to how they adapt to society within the educational environment. In recent years, there has been considerable research on the impact of music education on the growth of children's cognitive abilities. The research generally highlights the development of mental abilities and the reduction of personal risks. Much of the research focuses on topics like increasing creativity, improving academic performance, and reducing psychological issues such as aggression and anxiety. One significant question that arises from this is whether music education directly influences the academic performance of students in Iran, and if it does, can it positively address academic challenges faced by students? This systematic review aims to nswer these questions by evaluating articles that explore the relationship between music education and cognitive and academic skills in students.Method: From the six selected articles, the following findings were obtained: A study titled "The Impact of Music Education on Creativity and Reducing Aggression in Preschool Children in Hamadan" found that music education helped decrease aggression and increase creativity among young students, leading to improved academic performance. Another study, "The Impact of Music and Art Education on the Development of Normative Intelligence and Creativity in Students," indicated a positive relationship between music education, improved normative intelligence, and enhanced academic performance. Furthermore, "The Impact of Music on the Improvement of Learning Disabilities in Mathematics among Primary School Students" highlighted the positive effects of music on auditory awareness and mathematical learning, contributing to better learning and motivation. Additionally, research titled "The Impact of Music on Creativity and Academic Progress in Mathematics" showed that music education positively affected creativity and improved mathematics learning, leading to better academic results in math. A study by Maryam Mohammadi, "The Impact of Music Psychology on Teaching Persian Calligraphy," revealed that music enhances language skills, including handwriting, by influencing the human biological system. Finally, "Identifying Mediating Variables in the Relationship between Music Education and Creativity Enhancement" demonstrated that music education not only boosted creativity but also improved reading, writing, and other cognitive skills, positively impacting academic performance.Conclusion: A significant portion of studies examining the relationship between music education and academic performance, either directly or indirectly, has identified an increase in creativity as a key outcome. This suggests a strong connection between creativity and improved academic performance. Based on the findings of these studies, music education can serve as a bridge connecting creativity and academic achievement. By fostering an environment for expressing thoughts and emotions and enhancing awareness, music creates a dynamic educational space that boosts students' academic performance. Therefore, in response to the primary research question regarding the impact of music education on overall academic performance in Iran, it can be confidently stated that there is a direct relationship between music education and improved academic outcomes. Regarding the secondary question on whether music education helps address learning difficulties in specific subjects like mathematics or literature, the findings indicate that music education significantly improves learning in these subjects as well. The inherent qualities of music, such as rhythm and mathematical relationships between beats, and its connection to literature through words and poetry, can enhance the learning abilities of children struggling in these areas. These results align with previous research but differ in their scope, as some studies, like those by Zhang and Abotaleb, focus on specific teaching methods, while others, such as those by Hedayat and Hyung, consider factors like instrument type and gender. Further research is needed to better understand the relationship between music education and learning difficulties in various subjects, and additional reviews of books and theses may provide a more comprehensive picture of music education's impact on student performance.Keywords:Music Education, Education and Training, Academic Performance, Enhancing Academic Efficiency.