
هدف اصلی این پژوهش تبیین مواجهه اندیشه تعلیم وتربیت در برابر فرایند ایجاد و تثبیت مدارس غیرانتفاعی در دهه اول انقلاب اسلامی ایران است. برای دستیابی به این هدف از روش پژوهش تاریخی- تحلیلی بهره گرفته شد. نتایج به دست آمده، نشان دهنده انفعال و ناتوانی نظری اندیشه تعلیم و تربیت موجود ایران در دوره مورد نظر است. مؤلفه های اصلی این مواجه در نزد صاحبان اندیشه تعلیم وتربیت اقتصادزدگی و محافظه کاری بوده است. اقتصادزدگی در تحلیل های موجود صاحب نظران تعلیم وتربیت بیش از همه ناشی از تغییر ریل حکمرانی و سیاست گذاری اقتصادی به سمت رویکرد اقتصاد نئولیبرال تعدیل ساختاری و هژمونی اقتصاد آموزش مبتنی بر کارایی و سودآوری بوده است. ابهام و پنهان کاری در فلسفه برنامه تعدیل ساختاری و عدم آشنایی اصحاب اندیشه تعلیم وتربیت با این سیاست ها منجر به محافظه کاری آن ها در مواجهه با فرایند ایجاد مدارس غیرانتفاعی و غیبت تحلیل های مبتنی بر تعلیم وتربیت بوده است. تعامل این مؤلفه با شرایط اقتصاد سیاسی دهه اول انقلاب چون محدودیت مالی ناشی از جنگ و تنش جریان های سیاسی زایش مدارس غیرانتفاعی در اواخر دهه 1370 را به امری کاملا اقتصادی سیاسی و نه تربیتی تبدیل کرد.

Historical analysis of the establishment of non-profit schools after the Islamic revolution of Iran and the confrontation of the thought of education and training with it

Objective: The main purpose of this research is to explain the confrontation of the Pedagogy of education against the process of establishing and stabilizing non-profit schools in the first decade of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. At the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, the issue of the form and structure of social systems for the Islamic Republic was a new issue and to a large extent ambiguous. While the Islamic Revolution of Iran, with its cultural nature, sought a fundamental transformation in all social systems, including education. This transcendental content required a suitable structure, but the effort to achieve a proper structure has received the least attention from the pedagogist education thinkers.  In the most sensitive aspects of the nationalization of schools and the controversy over the creation of non-profit schools that lasted for about a decade, the lack of analysis based on education and the defeat of experts in this field in the theories and assumptions of neoclassical economics is evident.  This trend has existed until today and there are serious shortcomings in this field.  As far as we can say, the most important negligence of the education governance of the Islamic Republic is the non-participation and non-use of the idea of ​​education and training, which has caused the participation of various groups of stakeholders and has prevented the creation of a suitable management and school management structure.  The silence and powerlessness of the discourse and thought of education should be resolved in a multi-faceted process with the determination of governance, social context and expert elites.Method: This study is a historical study of the education system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Using an analytical method and relying on primary sources and documents, it has extracted evidence of the confrontation of educational thought in the first decade of the revolution with the economic and political currents governing the establishment of non-revolutionary schools; therefore, the main plot of the process is the Law on the Establishment of Islamic Schools, which consists of 21 articles and fifteen notes, was approved in a public session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on 5/3/1367, and its article three was accepted in the session of the Expediency Council on 19/7/1367 and was given the opportunity to be implemented. Conlusion: A study of this history shows that the organization and structure of schools in the Islamic Republic were influenced by various components that happened to be formed outside the internal discourse of Pedagogy. Even what plays a prominent role in the thought of education and Pedagogy was also influenced by them. Such an origin states what path and possible obstacles the process of possible change and reform has ahead of it and what crossings it must pass through. The first form of the Islamic Republic for the management of public schools and within the framework of nationalism was formed in accordance with the law on the management of non-governmental educational units as a state. While its first note was the necessity of public participation in education and the possibility of voluntary cooperation for non-profit management. After the resistance of a few special schools with an educational discourse of "confinement and protection" and the failure to determine management, the discourse of supervision with reductionism replaced the discussion of management. Their educational approach was largely derived from the origin of the idea of ​​separating education from politics and a specific reading of some Islamic thoughts in the field of pedagogy, which cannot be called the philosophy of education. In general, there is little evidence of specialized discussions of the philosophy of education and pedagogy in the debates related to the structure and organization of schools. In 1988, when the Non-Profit Schools Law was established, the few analyses on this subject were more economic in nature than educational, and were based on the logic of competition and efficiency of neoclassical economics. Similarly, theoretically, the conquest of educational planning by economists was considered natural and certain. Instead, educationists, concerned about the discourse of nationalization and Islamization of the government, are trying to warn against centralization. Ultimately, the weakness of the discourse of education and its powerlessness in the field of legislation and implementation is evident. Even where education experts have had connections with other social systems, an uncritical and even non-pedagogical approach has prevailed. A subordinate approach that if the economic system is based on adjustment and marketization, education is obedient and forced to submit. The result obtained indicate the passivity and theoretical incapacity of the existing Iranian educational thought in the period in question. The main components of this confrontation among the educational thinkers were economism and conservatism. Economism in the existing analyses of Pedagogist was mostly due to the change in the direction of governance and economic policymaking towards the neoliberal economic approach of structural adjustment and the hegemony of the education economy based on efficiency and profitability. The ambiguity and secrecy in the philosophy of the structural adjustment program and the lack of familiarity of educational thinkers with these policies led to their conservatism in the face of the process of establishing non-profit schools and the absence of analyses based on education. The interaction of this component with the political economy conditions of the first decade of the revolution, such as financial constraints resulting from the war and tensions between political currents, turned the birth of non-profit schools in the late 1991s into a purely political economic matter, not an educational one. As a conclusion of the absence of educational thought, the answer that has existed to date in the educational policy-making of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the problem can be seen in the diversity of types of schools and the three main policies of purchasing services, selling assets, and privatization facilities. Groups of elites and even groups of the general public with different subcultures, those in political, social, financial, or military power, etc., each choose their own path in small, sectional decisions, without the national governance having sufficient knowledge and executive power to guide and supervise these small actions to achieve long-term development goals. During this period, the weakness of educational governance caused individuals, qualified or otherwise, benevolent or otherwise, each based on their own diagnoses and the vacuum of educational thought power, to pull the public education system in one direction with national, scientific, ideological, cultural, economic, environmental, etc. To set the compass and guide macro and micro policies, it is necessary to change this routine and to seriously focus on knowledge and the power of activism and influence on educational policies and programs.
