تجلیات الحجاج الاستدلالی المباشر فی خطابات السیّد حسن نصر الله (عام 2000 م حتی 2003 م أنموذجاً) (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
إنّ الاستدال هو من آلیات الإقناع لکلّ خطیب وترتبط عملیه الاستدلال ارتباطًا وثیقًا باللغه ویستعمل الاستدلال المباشر فی القضایا التی لا یُمنع من استعماله فیها أی مانع، ویعدّ أوضح؛ ویستعمل الاستدلال المباشر فی کل مجال لا نلجأ فیه إلى استعمال الاستدلال غیر المباشر. الاستدلال المباشر له ثلاث طرائق، هی: الاستقراء، والقیاس، والتمثیل. یهدف الخطاب السیاسی إِلى الإِقناع، ولذلک یحاول الخطیب أن یقدم أفکاره بربط منطقی قائم على منظومه فکریه تحمل کثیرًا من المفاهیم والدلالات التی تساعد الفرد على فهم جوانب الواقع السیاسی والاجتماعی. فقد اعتمد الباحثون فی دراستهم هذه على المنهج الوصفی والتحلیلی إذ یقوم على استقراء أنواع الاستدلال المباشر فی خطب السیّد حسن نصرالله ومن ثم تحلیلها وتبیین أغراضها. یتطرق هذا البحث إلی ثلاثه محاور: حضور الاستدلال الاستقرائی فی خطب السید نصر الله، وحضور الاستدلال القیاسی فی خطبه ثمّ دراسه الاستدلال التمثیلی فیها. أظهرت دراسه خطاب السید نصر الله أنّه استخدم منهجاً علمیاً فی مقاربته الأحداث فی لبنان والمنطقه، یقوم على الاستدلال من خلال استقراء الوقائع، وترتیبها وتنظیمها، ثم یقیس علیها قیاساً منطقیاً، من مقدمه أولى، ومقدمه ثانیه، ونتیجه القیاس؛ أما الاستدلال التمثیلی، فینطلق من أمثله متشابهه، لکشف الحقائق، وتنمیه المعارف وإظهار العلاقه بین العله والمعلول؛ ویهدف السید حسن نصر الله حین ینطلق من المسلمات الى إعطاء مقدمات صحیحه للوصول الى نتائج صحیحه، وغایته فی ذلک إظهار أهمیه المقاومه فی لبنان، وفلسطین، ودور العدو الصهیونی والأمریکی فی الهیمنه على المنطقه، وأثر الشهاده فی العمل المقاوم، والارتباط بالنهج المحمدی الحسینی، ویستشرف المستقبل بتداعیاته، لینبّه الأمه، ویبث فیها روح التفاؤل، ویدعوها الى مقاومه کل ظالم لحقوقها.The manifestations of the direct inferential argument in the speeches of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah (2000 AD until 2003 AD as a model)
Inference is one of the mechanisms of persuasion for every preacher. The process of inference is closely related to the language. Direct inference is used in cases where there is no impediment to its use, and it is clearer; Direct inference is used in every field in which we do not resort to the use of indirect inference. Direct inference has three methods: induction, analogy, and representation. Political discourse aims at persuasion, so the preacher tries to present his ideas with a logical link based on an intellectual system that carries many concepts and connotations that help the individual understand aspects of the political and social reality. Nasrallah is the production of a distinctive resistance speech from what is common since the beginning of his resistance work on the Lebanese scene, a speech that jumps over the elements of division to arouse the nation’s audience, directing its thinking towards the main issue, which is Palestine and the issue of conflict with the Zionist enemy. This article seeks to answer the following questions: How did Sayed Nasrallah employ direct reasoning in his speeches? And how did the direct reasoning that Sayed Nasrallah relied on affect the public’s persuasion? Based on these questions, this study relies on the descriptive and analytical approach to study direct inference in the speeches of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah from the year 2000 AD to 2003 AD. This research deals with three axes: the presence of inductive reasoning in Sayed Nasrallah's speech, the presence of standard inference in his speech, and then the study of representative inference in it. I received these letters from the “Revival of the Resisting Heritage Society”, an association concerned with documenting the speech of Sayed Nasrallah, and books and articles that talk about this speech, and the center of this society is Beirut, and it was established in 2008, by virtue of license 1234. This article aims to reveal the argumentative structure in Sayed Nasrallah's speech, and the purposes and objectives that Sayed Nasrallah wanted to highlight in order to create an intellectual renaissance based on awareness of religious, political, social and national values. The main findings of this article are: The study of Sayed Nasrallah’s speech showed that he used a scientific approach in his approach to events in Lebanon and the region, based on inference by extrapolating the facts, arranging and organizing them, and then making a logical analogy with them, from a first premise, a second premise, and the result of the measurement; As for representative inference, it proceeds from similar examples, to reveal facts, develop knowledge and show the relationship between cause and effect; Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, when starting from the postulates, aims to give correct premises to reach correct results, and his goal in this is to show the importance of the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, and the role of the Zionist and American enemy in hegemony over the region, and the impact of martyrdom on the work of resistance, and the connection with the Muhammadan-Husseini approach. The future with its repercussions, to alert the nation, instill in it a spirit of optimism, and call it to resist every oppressor of its rights. - Sayed Nasrallah employed the method of inference types, to reach logical conclusions, and he has the ability to discover the overlap between situations, and the ability to think about possibilities and follow logical sequences, in order to derive results; Since the beginning of the speech, Sayed Nasrallah assumes a specific result, and declares it clearly through his enumeration of the research points in the speech. In this presentation, he narrates the facts surrounding the recipient, from his audience and on the regional and international arena, he cites these facts, then measures the events on the basis of logic or on the events of the past, up to the result he aims at from the beginning, so whoever hears the speech feel