دراسه بنیویه لقصیده "غارسیا لورکا" لِبدرشاکر السیاب (علی اساس منهج البنیویه التنمویه ل "لوسین غولدمان") (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
تعتبر البنیویه إحدی الاسالیب الجدیده فی النقد الأدبی، وتقوم مناهجه اللغویه وجمالیاتها أساساً علی علم اللغه الجدیده وخاصهً آراء اللغوی السویسری فردیناند دی سوسور. یقوم المنهج البنیوی علی اکتشاف العلاقات الشامله والمعقّده لبناء الأثر الأدبی بحیث تعبر عن حالات وأفکار و عواطف و البنایات المعقّده للأنظمه اللغویه و الفنیه و الأدبیه و الجمالیه. قدتعیّنوا لمثل هذا المنهج النقدی ثلاث وظائف و هی استخراج مکونات البناء، وتثبیت العلاقات بین المکونات، وتقدیم المفهوم الدلالی وفحوی الأثر. قصیده "غارسیا لورکا" من أعمال "بدر شاکر السیاب" الذی أنشدها رثاءً لفیدریکو غارسیا لورکا. قد تأثر الشاعر فی هذه القصیده من منهج الناقد الأدبی الرومانی "لوسین غولدمان" وحلمه العالمی الناتج عن البنیه الاجتماعیه والبنیویه التنمویه التی تعتقد أنّ الابداع الفنّی هو تجسید الأحلام العالمیه الناتجه عن الناس. تسعى هذه المقاله للإجابه عن الأسئله التالیه من خلال المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی وتطبیق هذه الطریقه النقدیه على القصیده: إلى أی مدى یتوافق الشاعر وأسلوب تعبیره فی القصیده مع أسلوب لوسین غولدمان؟ وما هی تجلّیات حلم الشاعر فی إصلاح المجتمع العربی فی القصیده؟ النتایج تشیر إلی أن حلم الشاعر هو نفس الحلم الذی کان عند لورکا وهو تغییر الإنسان، وبالتالی تغییر العالم. کما تبیّن أن الشاعر یصور حلمه کمصلح للمجتمع العربی من خلال رسم دوره الأسطوری فی القصیده.Structural analysis of the ode "Gharsialurka" by Badr Shaker Al-Siyab (based on Lucien Goldman's theory of developmental structuralism)
Structural criticism is one of the newly established methods in literary criticism and a method within literature that takes its linguistic and aesthetic foundation from the nascent science of linguistics, especially the views of Swiss linguists, Ferdinand de Saussure and Russian formalists. The whole effort of the structural criticism method is to discover the general, mysterious and complex relationships of the structure of the literary work, which expresses states, thoughts, emotions, complex structures of linguistic, artistic, literary and aesthetic systems. They have defined three fundamental functions for such a critical method; Extracting the components of the structure of the work, establishing the relationship between the components of the structure of the work and showing the implication in the overall structure of the work.The ode "Garcia Lorca" is the work of contemporary Iraqi poet "Badr Shaker Al-Sayab" who wrote it in memory of the Spanish poet and writer Federico Garcia Lorca. In this ode, the poet has used the world dream method of "Lucien Goldman", a Romanian sociologist and literary critic. It is a dream that was born from a social structure and born from developmental structuralism. The main argument of developmental structuralism is that no part has meaning by itself, but each part should be considered in relation to its other parts and finally the whole system. In other words, in the analysis of a poem from the point of view of structural criticism, its components and elements should not be analyzed separately; But its overall structure should be considered. This type of structuralism believes that artistic invention is the embodiment of world dreams that is born from the social status of a class, a specific group or a group of people. Therefore, it can be said that structuralism, which is considered by Goldman, on the one hand, seeks to examine the components and elements that make up a work, and on the other hand, it tries to reach the overall concept and meaning of the work by communicating between the components. In this critical method, the structural critic presents a final overview of its technical and artistic structure by analyzing the expressive, literary and speech elements of the text. Although the manner of Lorca's death and murder by the fascists has had an effect on the attention of Sayab and Arab poets in general on his literature and poetry, what increases this effect even more is the reflection of Islamic and Arabic symbols and Especially Andalusia is in his poems. Another fact about Lorca becoming a praiseworthy figure among contemporary Arab poets was his social and revolutionary role. A role that was reflected in his poems and eventually led to his murder. Arab poets considered him a revolutionary poet in the true sense of the word. In García Lorca's ode, Sayab tries to present an image of his ideal poet based on his socialist thought and perspective. A poet who is humanistic and has a social duty and should think about the society and the hungry. Sayab tries to bring up concepts that are consistent with Lorca's views and thoughts and address them in his obituary. he wants to create a match between Lorca's perspective and social constructions and the constructions formed in the work, and this is what Lucien Goldman does in the topic of developmental structuralism and the poet's outlook and worldview, refers to it. Sometimes the poet completes the structure of the ode by creating a quasi-imaginary atmosphere and paying attention to small elements. It is as if the poet, by creating this pseudo-imaginary space, is looking for his global dream, which is indeed spring greens, sea water, fertile pastures and full of goodness and blessings, and the fight against poverty in the world. A space that moves forward with role-playing and centrality (sail). Concepts such as water, which is the source of being alive and pure, and a storm that can wipe away evil and wickedness from the earth, and a f