
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


بشریت در طول حیات خود، تاریخ طولانی و پر حادثه ای از تعامل و نزاع را پشت سر گذاشته است. این تاریخ طولانی در کنار همه ی سختی ها و آسانی هایی که برای جامعه انسانی در پی داشته، زمینه ساز تشکیل تمدن های بشری نیز شده است. در این نوشتار با تمرکز بر تنازع تمدنی موجود میان غرب و اسلام، پس از بیان تاریخچه ای در باب این تنازع، تلاش شده برخی از مهم ترین رویدادهای اسلامی معاصر که تمدن غربی را در موضع ضعف و انفعال قرار داده است مطالعه شود. انقلاب اسلامی ایران و نیز اربعین حسینی و فرصت های تمدنی موجود در آن، موضوعاتی هستند که از این رهگذر و با روش تحلیل تاریخی بررسی شده اند. پژوهش حاضر مترصد پاسخ گویی به این پرسش اصلی است که در نزاع تمدنی مذکور، جبهه اسلامی برای پیروزی بر جبهه باطل باید چه نقطه ای را به منزله مرکز ثقل گفتمان خود انتخاب کند؟ فرض بر این است که آینده ی این نزاع تمدنی به شرطی با پیروزی جبهه اسلامی همراه خواهد بود که این جبهه تمام تلاش خود را در زمینه ی تقویت و گسترش هرچه بیشتر مهم ترین عنصر تمدنی خود که همان دین اسلام است مبذول دارد و جبهه دین داران و آزادگان را در عالم شکل دهد. آنچه در این مسیر راهگشا است کشف و شناخت ظرفیت های موجود در دین اسلام و اعتماد بر آنها برای ساختن یک الگوی تمدن جهانی است. پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی ایران، به منزله ی حرکتی به منظور بازگشت به اوج تمدنی اسلام در روزگار افول تمدن اسلامی و غلبه ی کامل تمدن غربی و نیز اربعین حسینی در سال های اخیر، به منزله ی فعلیت یافتن یکی دیگر از ظرفیت های عظیم نهفته در دل دین اسلام که درک حقیقت آن می تواند تمدن غربی را با چالش جدی مواجه کند، گواهی بر این مدعا است.            

Western-Islamic Civilizational Conflict؛ Reflection on the Role of Islamic Discourse in the Outcome of this Conflict

Purpose: Humanity has traversed a long and eventful history filled with interactions and conflicts. Alongside all its hardships and opportunities for human society, this long history has also laid the groundwork for the formation of human civilizations. Focusing on the current civilizational conflict between west and Islam, this paper aims to study some of the most significant contemporary Islamic events that have placed Western civilization in a position of weakness and reaction, following a brief overview of the history of the clash of civilizations between the West and Islam. The Iranian Islamic Revolution, as well as the Arbaeen pilgrimage and the civilizational opportunities present therein, are topics that have been examined through this approach. The primary question of this research is to identify the focal point around which the Islamic front should rally its discourse to achieve victory in this mentioned clash of civilizations. Methodology: The authors' methodology in this research is historical analysis. By scrutinizing a historical period of civilizational conflict between the West and Islam up to the present day, and mentioning two examples of the Iranian Islamic Revolution and the Arbaeen pilgrimage, they have elucidated the significance of Islamic discourse in such a clash. Findings: Some of the most notable findings include: he Iranian Islamic Revolution can be regarded as a highly successful example of the functional role of religion and religious discourse in the contemporary world. From the perspective of the founder and leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, its victory marks the commencement of Islam's return to its rightful place in civilization. The project of Islamophobia serves as a crucial strategy for adversaries to counter Islam and Islamic civilization. It can be argued that the Arbaeen pilgrimage over the past decade has played a complementary role to the Iranian Islamic Revolution, nullifying some of the most significant schemes of the enemy to defeat the Islamic front. The Islamic Revolution in Iran introduced the notion of a global mission to propagate Islam and establish Islamic civilization and it appears that the role of Arbaeen is to advance this idea further and overcome obstacles in its path. It is believed that the most effective way for the Islamic front to confront its civilizational rivals is to encourage people to contemplate the teachings of Islam and to elucidate and introduce them to the world, which constitutes an operational strategy for confronting Western civilization. Such a notion, which determines both the method and content of confrontation, is the linchpin for victory in such a clash. The decision-makers of the Islamic front have not paid enough attention to their fundamental and vital principle, namely the innate and salvational teachings of Islam, in their civilizational confrontation with Western civilization. Conclusion: The future of this civilizational clash, will be synonymous with the triumph of the Islamic front if it directs all its efforts towards strengthening its most crucial civilizational element, which is none other than the religion of Islam, and shapes the front of the devout and the free in the world. The key to progress lies in exploring and recognizing the inherent potentials within Islam and entrusting them to construct a model for a global civilization. The success of the Iranian Islamic Revolution signifies a step towards the resurgence of Islamic civilization in an era characterized by the decline of Islamic civilization and the complete dominance of Western civilization. Additionally, recent events like the Arbaeen pilgrimage represent the actualization of another immense potential hidden within the essence of Islam, which, if understood truly, has the potential to pose a serious challenge to Western civilization, thereby providing evidence in support of this claim.    
