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  نوگرایی چپ گرایانه در دوره زمامداری حزب دموکراتیک خلق (1978 تا 1992) در افغانستان تجربه شد. این نوع نوگرایی، موفقیت هایی در نوسازی افغانستان داشت اما نتوانست به هدف های اصلی اش دست یابد. اصلاحات ارضی، سوادآموزی، مشارکت سیاسی و اجتماعی زنان، سه برنامه اصلی نوگرایی چپ گرایانه در افغانستان بود که هر سه با ناکامی روبه رو شد. عامل های مختلفی در ناکامی نوگرایی چپ گرایانه نقش داشته اند. سنت افغانی از عامل های مهم در ناکامی نوگرایی چپ گرایانه بوده است. در این نوشتار به دنبال پاسخ این پرسش هستیم که در شکست نوگرایی چپ گرایانه در افغانستان، سنت افغانی چگونه نقش داشت؟ در پاسخ این فرضیه مطرح می شود که تضاد ریشه ای شاخص های سنت افغانی با اندیشه ها و نوگرایی چپ گرایانه سبب شکست آن شد. روش این نوشتار، کیفی تاریخی و داده ها و اطلاعات مورد نیاز، به شیوه اسنادی و کتابخانه ای گرد آوری شده است. رویارویی سنت و نوشدگی(مدرنیته)، چارچوب نظری نوشتار را تشکیل می دهد. یافته های این نوشتار نشان می دهد که سنت زدایی ایدئولوژیک نوگرایی چپ گرایانه، تحریک سنت را در پی داشت و نزاع میان سنت و نوشدگی را در افغانستان تشدید کرد. با آغاز نوگرایی چپ، هویت سنت افغانی با خطر روبه رو شد. سنت برای دفاع از هویت خود، ناگزیر به رویارویی شد و از همه ظرفیت های خود استفاده کرد. سنت افغانی در شکست نوگرایی چپ گرایانه در افغانستان، تاثیر های مختلف داشت. سنت افغانی از یک سو موجب اتحاد نیروهای ضد نوگرایی چپ شد. از سوی دیگر پیروان سنت را بسیج کرد و مبارزه آنان را مشروعیت بخشید. سرانجام سنت افغانی توانست راه نوگرایی چپ را مسدود کند و به پیروزی دست یابد.

The Role of Afghan Tradition in the Failure of Leftist Modernism in Afghanistan (1978-1992)

Introduction: Leftist modernism was experienced during the government of the People's Democratic Party (1978-1992) in Afghanistan. The leftist modernism had special characteristics during the ruling period of the People's Democratic Party.This model of modernism was influenced by Soviet models and relied on authoritarian policies and was violently implemented in Afghanistan. The government of the People's Democratic Party, especially the People's Party government, wanted to implement reforms quickly and not gradually. Another characteristic of left modernism in Afghanistan was its ideological nature. For the People's Democratic Party, especially the People's party government, modernization was not a goal, but a means to dominate and consolidate the party government in economic, social and cultural fields; Land reforms, literacy and women's participation in political and social life were the most important reform programs of the People's Democratic Party government. Meanwhile, land reform can be considered the most important reform program of the leftist government. This type of modernism had some success in modernizing Afghanistan, but it could not achieve its main goals. Various factors have contributed to the failure of leftist modernism. Afghan tradition has been one of the important factors in the failure of leftist modernism.Research question: How did the Afghan tradition play a role in the failure of leftist modernism?Research hypothesis: The essential contradiction of the indicators of the Afghan tradition with the leftist ideas and modernism caused its failure. Being Islamic, being ethnic, being historical, people's extreme sensitivity towards the private sphere, centrism, anti-government, and xenophobia can be counted among the important indicators of the Afghan tradition. The ideological de-traditionalization of left-wing modernism led to the promotion of tradition and intensified the conflict between tradition and modernity in Afghan society. With the onset of left modernism, the identity of the Afghan tradition was threatened. To defend its identity, tradition had to confront and was able to play different roles in the failure of this model of modernity.Methodology and theoretical framework: In this article, the qualitative research method and the required data and information have been collected in documentary and library form.  The theoretical framework of this research is based on some basic modernization assumptions, such as the fact that development is an internal matter as well as a complex, gradual and evolutionary process, at the same time some of the ideas of late modernization including the possibility of interaction between tradition and modernity, the non-integral nature of development, and the necessity of paying attention to tradition in the development process.Results and discussion: The Afghan traditions were able to play complex and multiple roles in the failure of the main programs of left modernism, such as land reforms, fight against illiteracy and women's participation and political and social freedom. In the first step, the Afghan tradition, as a "unified" force, united its guards and followers against leftism and leftist modernism. Despite the differences that existed among the leftist opposition forces, they all agreed that the leftist economic, cultural and social reforms, which had a socialist and secular nature, are against Islamic and traditional values and resistance to them is a religious and patriotic matter. The Afghan tradition was the motive to fight against leftist modernism.Islam, as the main indicator and component of the Afghan tradition, aroused the feelings and motivations of the followers of this tradition, especially the villagers. They joined Islamic political parties (Jihadi Organizations) to fight against the leftist government and its reform programs. "Giving legitimacy" to the opposing forces of leftist modernism was another role of the Afghan tradition. The Sunni guardians were able to easily shape the mentality of the people among the people, especially in the villages, which were the main base of the Sunnah, in such a way that the people consider them to be right and the other party to be false.The Afghan tradition played its role in a complex way in the defeat of the reform programs of the People's Democratic Party government. On the one hand, it gave legitimacy, motivation and unity to the followers and guardians of tradition, but on the other hand, it took away the legitimacy of the Afghan People's Democratic Party. In other words, the function of the Afghani tradition was completely positive for its adherents but completely negative for the executors of leftist modernism. During the implementation of leftist reforms, there were behaviors and actions of the leaders that evoked the Afghan tradition. The agents and implementers of land reforms in the villages did actions that were considered disrespectful to religion by the people. They did not respect local clerics and landowners, while these people had a lot of social influence in the villages, which is the main base and origin of the tradition. In addition, they used leftist literature that was not understandable for the villagers. Bringing women to literacy courses in villages was also in conflict with rural culture.Conclusion: The findings of this research show that Afghan tradition played a very important role in the failure of leftist modernism. Unity, motivation and legitimization were the three roles played by the Afghan tradition in the fight against leftist reforms. The nature and characteristics of Afghani tradition were in complete contrast with the nature and characteristics of left modernism. For its survival, the Afghan tradition used all its power and strength in the fight against leftism and finally won. The reform experience of the People's Democratic Party can be important for the pro-modernist forces in Afghanistan. The Afghan tradition has always been victorious against different approaches of modernism. Therefore, the revival of tradition will have a negative effect on the process of Afghanistan’s modernization.  
