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لقد أصبحت هناک أسس نظریه معرفیه تتوجّه إلى الکشف عن الجزئیات والتفاصیل المحیطه بالنص أو ما یسمّى بعتبات النص، منها نظریه جیرار جینیت الذی یعدّ أحد أقطاب النقد والشعریه فی فرنسا، والّذی انخرط فی تیّار النقد الجدید، واهتمّ بالعتبات النصیه خلال بحثه فی دائره الشعریات. لقد اهتمت السیمیائیه الحدیثه بدراسه الإطار الذی یحیط بالنص، کالعنوان، واسم المؤلف، والتعیین الجنسی، والغلاف، والعتبات الواقعه داخل النص نفسه، من إهداء، ومقدمات، وعبارات توجیهیه، وتنبیهات، وهوامش، وتذییلات، وغیر ذلک من النصوص التی أُطلق علیها عنوان النصوص الموازیه. کلّ ذلک لأن النصوص المعاصره ارتبطت بعصرها بروابط ثقافیه ومعرفیه جدیده، تناولتها من النهضه التکنولوجیه والإعلامیه. ومن هنا، ینطلق هذا البحث بالسعی للولوج إلى دراسه أهمّ العتبات النصیه التی تستحق التحلیل بمثابه أبواب تدخلنا فی غیاهب النص، ثم تطبیق تقنیاتها على روایه سجین المرایا لسعود السنعوسی، وتقدیم تصوّر مبدئی لتمظهرات المناص، مستخدماً المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی. وتشیر نتائج البحث إلی نجاح الروایه فی ترسیم المناص، بدءاً من الغلاف، بما فیه من صوره طوبوغرافیه فی مرآه دالّه على طور المرآه فی تکوین شخصیه الإنسان، کما یدلّ شکلها الهندسی على العزله والانطوائیه، والعنوان الذی اختاره الروائی جامعاً الوظائف التعیینیه، والوصفیه، والإیحائیه، والإغرائیه، للدلاله على مَن قد سجن نفسه فی ماضیه وآلامه، ویعیش منعزلاً عن الناس، هکذا باستهلاله القیم من قبل الکاتب الواقعی، روبندرونات طاغور، وختاماً بغلافه الخلفی الذی یشیر إلی نص نوستالوجی من الروایه جامعاً معناها بشکل رمزی ومختصر للمتلقی.

The Paratextual Elements and Their Implications in Saoud al-Sanaousi's Novel Sajin al-Maraya: A Genettean Approach

There are multiple cognitive theories that aim to uncover the surrounding details of a text, including Genette's theory of paratextuality. In parallel texts, the recipient can analyze the text of the story and its contents, and through which he can produce a vision with semantic dimensions that clearly show the content of the discourse. Gérard Genette's theory of paratextuality provides a framework for examining the surrounding elements of a text including the title, the author's name, the cover, and the internal paratexts in order to elucidate the relationship between these materials and the main text. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical methodology to investigate the relationship between the paratextual components and the main narrative in Saoud al-Sanaousi's novel Sajin al-Maraya. Al-Sanaousi is a prominent Kuwaiti novelist, known for his acclaimed work Saaq al-Bambuu. His work Sajin al-Maraya is a psychologically-driven romantic novel that explores the human psyche's struggle to break free from the harsh reflections of life. The protagonist, Abdulaziz, who is profoundly affected by the traumatic events of the Kuwait-Iraq war and the loss of his loved ones, is suffering from a pervasive sense of fear. Saud Al-Sanaousi has not been negligent to the paratexts and has carefully selected the paratextual elements, including the cover illustration, title, author's name, epigraph, and chapter headings, to align with and augment the central themes of the novel, either in a linguistic or photographic form, captivating the reader of the novel. The first existing paratext is the cover design, which depicts a child and a house with two doves that are in love with each other. This illustration represents the love and affection that the protagonist of the story has lost. The cover of the novel is in light blue, which signifies freedom, and the purple color of the title signifies glory and grandeur, all very attractive to the reader. These images on the cover are placed within a mirror, and the mirror in psychology signifies the formation of human personality. The author's name is displayed on the front cover, manifesting all functions of the name: naming, ownership, and fame. Due to the importance of the author's name, his name is also repeated on the second page of the novel (i.e. the page after the cover). The title of the novel reappears on the back cover too, serving multiple functions. It provides identification, description, and inspiration, encouraging the reader to engage with the work. As soon as the reader reads the title, he faces many questions, such as who and what character is meant by the title? What is the meaning of the mirror in the title? At the same time, the use of words such as "box", "locks", "key", "perfume", "smell", "seasons", etc. are among notable words. Each of them reminds the audience that they are encountering a novel centered on the psychological struggles of the protagonist. Similarly, the epigraph, a quote from Tagore, says: He who carries his lamp behind his back sees nothing in front of him but his shadow. It symbolizes the novel as an illuminating force that casts light on the shadow of the self and one's memories. A person like the protagonist of the story, who suffers from depression due to preoccupation with the past and memories, must free his soul to achieve peace. There is another parallel text in the novel, which is an introduction that includes the interpretation of Saadia Mufreh, the Kuwaiti writer, poet, and journalist, and includes the failed ego and the optimistic other, as well as the homeland, which she refers to with the symbol of the mother. Mentioning it before starting the main part of the novel is a kind of motivation for the reader to read the novel. This thematic resonance is further echoed in the inspirational writings that preface each chapter, representing each chapter of the narrative. Overall, all these paratextual elements demonstrate a cohesive and interwoven relationship with the primary text. Perhaps the most prominent result that the researcher has obtained from these investigations is that the various paratexts of the novel Sejin al-Maraya have reproduced its main theme in the form of specific language signs and images, appropriate to the original text. The most important of these paratexts is on the cover page of the novel, which, in addition to the existing images, also contains the paratext of the title and the author's name.
