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التداولیه فرع من فروع الدراسات اللسانیه التی تعنی باللغه کأداه للتواصل. والتّداولیه اللسانیه تعالج الأفعال الکلامیه، بوصفها الجزء الأساسی فی الدراسه التداولیه التی تعکف علی اللغه فی ضوء علاقتها بالمعنی والجهه التی تنشده من خلال العلاقه المعهوده بین المنتج والمرسل إلیه. یعدُّ جون سیرل من البارزین فی هذا المجال وأخذ فرضیاته لاتجاهه اللسانی والتداولی من أستاذه أوستین غیر أنَّه وضع التصنیف الآخر للأفعال الکلامیه وعالجها معتمداً علی المعطیات السیاقیه ودور طرفی التخاطب فی البناء اللغوی وجعل هذا الرعایه الأساسیه شرطاً فی إنجاز الفعل اللغوی وفاعلیته. یضمُّ هذا البحث بین دفئتیه مقاربه لقصیده عُشبٌ أرجوانی یَصطلی فی أحشاءِ الرّیح لمحمد صابر عبید فی ضوء نظریه الأفعال الکلامیه لجون سیرل. والهدف فی هذا العرض التداولی، الکشف والإبانه عن الخصائص اللغویه وفهم مقصدیات الخطاب الشعری عند الشاعر. وما توصل إلیه البحث هو أن التنضید اللغوی فی هذه القصیده یرتبط بالمعانی والمقاصد والشاعر أکثر من الأنماط اللغویه الخبریه والإنشائیه المختلفه والتعبیریه ذات الوظیفه الإنجازیه من منظور تعاملی تأسیسی، کما أکثر من استخدام الأفعال التوجیهیه الإنجازیه لبناء الممارسه الثوریه عند المتلقی وتحریکه للرفض والتصدی ومواجهه النزعه المادیه فی داخله و دفعه نحو المواجهه والبناء من الجدید بعد تجاوز القتامه الوجدانیه والروحیه عند الإنسان المعاصر ودفع الإنسان لمناصره المقدس الوجودی ومواجهه المدنس الذی یسطیر علی الروح الإنسانیه، وأیضاً تکتظُّ القصیده بالأفعال التحذیریه تجعل المستقبل فی وهج من الشفافیه والوضوح. وهذه المجموعه من الأفعال بعرض سلبیه الواقع تدفع وتحرّض علی مواجهه السلوکیات التی تسبب مأساه المستقبل وضیاع الإنسان؛ وللأفعال التعبیریه حضور واسع فی القصیده، تعبّر عن حزن الشاعر ومکنونه بسبب طغیان الجانب المادی علی الجانب الروحی وسیطره المادیه والوحشیه علی الصفاء والطهر الداخلی للإنسان، مما یسبب نشوب الحرب والصراع علی وجه الأرض. المقصدیه النهائیه التی من أجلها یتکوّن العمل الإبداعی عند الشاعر والدلاله المرکزیه التی تبوح به الأنظمه اللغویه والأنساق اللغویه الظاهراتیه، هی مواجهه الزاغ أو الجوانب المظلمه داخل الروح الإنسانیه وبثّ الیقینیه بحتمیه مأساه الإنسان المعاصر عند مناصره الوحشیه الکامنه داخله وسیطره المدنس علی المقدس بداخله، مما یؤصل فی نفس الإنسان الانکفاء الواسع لمواجهه الجوانب المظلمه فی نفس الإنسان، وهذا هو ما یظهر بالرؤیه التَّداولیه وبدراسه أفعال الکلام وفق منظور سیرل.

The Dialectic of the Profane and the Sacred in the Poetic Discourse of Muhammad Saber Obaid: Reading of the Poem “Purple Grass that Warms in the Bowels of the Wind” according to John Searle’s View

Pragmatics, a branch of linguistic studies, focuses on language as a tool for communication with linguistic pragmatics examining speech acts as a fundamental aspect of this field. John Searle is a prominent figure in this area, drawing on the hypotheses of his teacher, Austin, while also developing a new classification of speech acts that considers contextual data and the roles of both parties in communication. This research applied Searle's theory of speech acts to the poem "Purple Grass that Warms in the Bowels of the Wind" by Muhammad Saber Obaid, aiming to uncover the linguistic characteristics and intentions of the poet's discourse. The findings revealed that the linguistic composition of the poem was intricately linked to its meanings, purposes, and the poet's intentions, transcending mere declarative and structural linguistic patterns. Additionally, the poem utilized directive verbs to incite a transformative response from the reader, mobilizing them in a revolutionary manner. The poem aimed to reject and challenge the materialistic tendencies within individuals, urging them to confront and rebuild after overcoming the emotional and spiritual darkness of modern life. It encouraged individuals to embrace the existential sacred and resist the profane forces that dominated the human spirit. Throughout the poem, warning verbs illuminated a future characterized by transparency and clarity, highlighting the negativity of current realities and provoking action against behaviors that could lead to future tragedy and human suffering. The poem was replete with expressive verbs that conveyed the poet's sorrow and inner turmoil resulting from the dominance of materialism. The spiritual aspect was the ultimate purpose underlying the poet's creative work with linguistic systems and phenomenal patterns serving to confront the deviant and dark aspects of the human spirit, instilling certainty about the inevitability of modern man's tragedy when succumbing to inner brutality and external profanity. The sacred resided within, deeply rooted in the soul, prompting individuals to bravely confront the darker aspects of their being. This pragmatic vision aligned with Searle's perspective on speech acts.   Introduction Pragmatic theory stands as a pivotal direction in contemporary linguistic studies, focusing on language analysis, major linguistic structures, linguistic systems, and transactional actions within texts or discourses with a specific emphasis on the function of speech acts. It represents a systematic endeavor, employing precise classification to uncover the meanings and intentions embedded within the text. John Searle's exploration of rhetorical and speech acts aims to realize the motivations underpinning the communicative process across various linguistic styles. At the core of Searle's philosophy is the hypothesis that linguistic systems, structures, and units are inherently geared towards conveying specific intentions and objectives. He contends that communicative action, language, and linguistic systems serve as conduits between intentions and recipients with these intentions materializing for the recipient when linguistic systems are effectively employed. Searle emphasizes the fulfillment function of linguistic structures and actions, highlighting their capacity to yield open-ended and revealed purposes. He asserts that every word and linguistic tool carries semantic and performative functions, which can only be fully comprehended through critical and deliberative examination. In this research paper, we aimed to delve into the poetry of Muhammad Saber Ubaid, a prominent figure in the poetic and cultural landscape of Iraq. Our scientific endeavor characterized by its methodological rigor and depth sought to foster an understanding of the poem "Purple Grass that Warms in the Bowels of the Wind" by unraveling its linguistic characteristics and the intricate relationships between its linguistic components. Through meticulous research and analysis, we endeavored to reveal and elucidate the poem's underlying intentions, recognizing its distinct features and unexplored dimensions that lended themselves to a pragmatic examination and the study of speech acts. This poem, distinguished by its critical portrayal of Arab reality, represented a novel subject of inquiry, thereby underscoring the significance of our scholarly investigation and intensifying our resolve to adopt an interpretive approach aligned with Searle's pragmatic framework. Our exploration was further informed by a keen interest in the linguistic and contextual milieu that shaped Muhammad Saber Obaid's poetic discourse.   Materials & Methods: This study was conducted using a descriptive and analytical approach to examine the poetry of Mohammad Saber Obeid through the lens of John Searle's theory of speech acts. The initial phase of the research involved a review of relevant literature on verbs and John Searle's theoretical framework followed by an analysis of the poet's work within the context of Searle's approach.   Research Findings: Pragmatic analysis as a component of modern linguistics serves to elucidate and clarify the meanings and concepts conveyed by verbs within a given text. It is widely acknowledged that verbs, from a pragmatic standpoint, play a pivotal and central role in shaping meaning and intent. Applying this principle to the poem "Purple Grass that Warms in the Bowels of the Wind" revealed the significance of verbs with an accomplishment function in this literary work. The poem's central theme revolved around the perpetual struggle between the spiritual and animalistic aspects of human existence, a theme underscored by verbs with a narrative function. These verbs depicted the harsh realities and the suffering inherent in modern human experience, stemming from the loss of the spiritual dimension and ascendancy of the animalistic nature over the human realm. The poet symbolically expressed the material and profane facets of human existence through the imagery of the Zag. There were actions within the poem that served to depict the Arab reality, encompassing its challenges and adversities, while also featuring requests and directives aimed at inspiring revolutionary change in the reader. Through actions that carry out a fulfilling and rhythmic function, the poet advocated for the necessity of embracing the spiritual aspect and resisting the dark elements symbolized by the Zag in the poem with the ultimate goal of attaining salvation and mitigating the negative aspects of reality stemming from the dominance of the profane material realm over the sacred spiritual domain. The sacred and expressive verbs through their fulfilling function projected and shaped the future with a forward-looking perspective. Through these words, the poet constructed a vibrant space imbued with the essence of life, warmth, and presence, reflecting the poet's belief in marginalizing the profane material dimension in the existence of contemporary man.   Discussion of Results & Conclusion: The examination of verbs and their impact within a text is crucial for attaining a comprehensive understanding and profound insight into the text's essence. Recognizing the significance of this approach, this research analyzed the poetry of Mohammad Saber Obeid through the framework established by John Searle. This study aimed to address several key inquiries, such as: What is the central theme of this poem? What are the implications and influence of verbs in this poet's work? Which verbs are predominantly utilized by the poet? And lastly, what is the interplay between texture and meaning? In response to these inquiries, it became evident that the central theme of this poem revolved around the confrontation of the dark aspects of human existence and the struggle against the ego, while also advocating for the reinforcement of the spiritual dimension in human life. The verbs employed in this poem evoked and served these themes. Through the use of specific verbs, the poet urged the audience to confront the malevolent ego, while employing another set of verbs to paint a future characterized by a life brimming with hope, aspiration, and elation as a result of achieving human perfection and subduing the materialistic dimension in human existence. This poem's texture played a pivotal role in elucidating the poem's meaning and the significance of its symbols and signs.
