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الدافعیه هی سبب اختیار عمل أو نشاط معین ومدى المثابره فی القیام بذلک، وهی تلعب دوراً فاعلاً فی تحقیق الغایات التعلمیه، ولاسیّما بما فیها تعلّم اللغات الأجنبیه، حیث لا یمکن الحدیث عن تعلم اللغه الثانیه فی غیابها. یعتمد نجاح أو فشل متعلمی اللغه فی إتقان اللغه الثانیه على دوافعهم؛ من منطلق ذلک، حاولت هذه الدراسه وصف ومناقشه دوافع تعلم اللغه العربیه، فی ضوء نموذج 2×2، لدى طلبه مرحله البکالوریوس بالجامعات الحکومیه فی إیران. انتهجت الدراسه المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی والمنهج المسحی واستخدمت الاستبانه التی صمّمها بابی والزملاء (2018)، کأداه لجمع البیانات. تکوّنت عینه الدراسه من 1107 طالبین وطالبات مرحله البکالوریوس، والذین دخلوا الجامعه خلال سنوات 2020 2017. وقد تمّت معالجه البیانات فی برنامج الحزم الإحصائیه (spss)، کما اعتمدت على برنامج AMOS))، لتصمیم نمذجه المعادله الهیکلیه بین المتغیرات. قد توصّلت الدراسه إلى أنّه وفقا للمعاملات التی تمّ الحصول علیها فی مصفوفه ارتباط بیرسون واسبیرمن، تتجلى علاقه وطیده إیجابیه بین العاملین الاتجاه الترویجی أولا، وذات اللغه الثانیه المثالیه / ذات ثانیا، مع السلوک التحفیزی. تلقّى السلوک التحفیزی أکبر تأثیر مباشر من متغیرات الاتجاه الترویجی وذات اللغه الثانیه المثالیه. فی ضوء هذه النتائج، یقترح الباحثون الاقتراحات التالیه: إجراء دراسه مماثله لدراسه حالیه على مقاطع الدراسات العلیا؛ إجراء دراسه لمعرفه دور السمات الشخصیه لمتعلمی اللغه العربیه فی إیران، مثل الجنس والطبقه الاجتماعیه وعادات ومهاره التعلم والموهبه فی العلاقه بین الدافعیه وتعلم اللغه العربیه؛ دراسه دور الدافعیه فی تعلم المهارات اللغویه المختلفه (الاستماع والقراءه والکتابه والتحدث)، بشکل منفصل ومقارنه بعضها مع البعض.  

Evaluation of Motivation to Learn Arabic in Bachelor Students of Iranian State Universities Based on the 2×2 Model of L2 Motivational Self-System

Motivation serves as the driving force behind the selection of a specific job or activity, as well as the level of determination an individual possesses to engage in said activity. In the realm of language learning, motivation plays a crucial role in attaining learning objectives, to the extent that acquiring a second language (L2) becomes nearly impossible without it. The success or failure of learners in mastering an L2 is contingent upon their motivations. The study of motivation and its various types in second language acquisition has garnered significant attention from educators, researchers, and relevant institutions. It holds a pivotal role in the process of learning a second language. Iranians have maintained a longstanding connection with Arabs and their language since the Arab invasion. Although the interest of second language learners in acquiring Arabic has transcended religious, cultural, and even political motivations, the significance of Arabic language education in Iranian schools and universities continues to grow steadily. Consequently, considerable efforts have been made in Iranian universities, such as the establishment of Arabic language and literature departments in most institutions, leading to the graduation of numerous students from these departments across various educational levels. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the motivation behind Bachelor students' pursuit of learning the Arabic language in Iranian Universities, utilizing the 2 × 2 model of motivational self-system. The research employed a combination of descriptive-analytical and survey methods with a questionnaire developed by Papi et al. (2018) serving as the research tool. The sample consisted of 1107 Bachelor students, who enrolled in university between 2017 and 2020. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software, while the structural model depicting the relationships between variables was designed using AMOS software. Based on the coefficients obtained from the Pearson and Spearman correlation matrices, it was found that the factors of enthusiastic orientation and the ideal of the L2 exhibited the highest positive correlation with the motivational behavior factor, respectively. Furthermore, these two variables exerted the most direct influence on motivational behavior. The findings revealed that the ideal of the L2 had a significant impact of 37% on motivational behavior. Although this percentage might appear small, it signified a statistically significant relationship between the two variables. Specifically, learners who possessed an ideal self-system in the second language demonstrated a genuine enjoyment of the language, exerting their utmost efforts in learning Arabic and dedicating more time to this pursuit. These efforts were clearly reflected in their observable behaviors. The results indicated that the ideal of the L2 variable had a negative effect of -31% on the variable of preventive orientation. This negative outcome signified a statistically significant relationship between these two variables. It suggested that the students, who held an ideal of the L2, were more inclined to take proactive measures. They seized every opportunity to learn Arabic and were less concerned about potential obstacles. Interestingly, as the ideal of the L2 became stronger, the students tended to rely less on preventive measures. Furthermore, the research findings demonstrated that the second language itself had a direct normative effect on three variables: advertising attitude (11%), motivational behavior (6%), and protective attitude (13%). However, it only had a direct effect of 16% on the variable of preventive tendency. Therefore, this result indicated that learners of the Arabic language, who possessed dominant or second language proficiency, could not solely rely on this factor to guarantee successful Arabic language acquisition. Other factors, such as social or economic pressures or the desire to gain recognition from parents and relatives, might influence their motivations to learn Arabic. Based on these findings, the researchers proposed the following recommendations: Conducting a similar study in the field of postgraduate education: It is suggested to carry out research that explores the motivation of Arabic language learners in postgraduate education. This would provide valuable insights into the specific motivational factors at play in this educational context. Investigating the role of individual characteristics: A research study should be conducted to examine the influence of individual characteristics, such as gender, social class, habits, learning skills, and talent, on the relationship between motivation and Arabic language learning among learners in Iran. Understanding how these factors interact with motivation can help tailor language learning approaches to meet the specific needs of different learners. Examining motivation across different language skills: It is recommended to investigate the role of motivation in learning various language skills, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. By analyzing motivational orientations specific to each skill, educators can design targeted training programs that align with learners' motivations and enhance their language proficiency in specific areas. For professors and teachers, the following recommendations are suggested: Diversifying teaching methods: It is advised to break the monotony of the classroom routine by incorporating a variety of teaching methods. By using more creative approaches, educators can avoid relying solely on traditional methods that may limit motivation and reduce the enthusiasm of language learners. Involving language learners in the learning process: It is important to actively engage language learners in the learning process. This can be achieved by encouraging participation, fostering interactive discussions, and providing opportunities for hands-on activities. By involving learners in their own learning process, educators can enhance motivation and create a more dynamic and engaging classroom environment.
