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در حقوق مالکیت فکری، از جمله در نظامِ حقوق مالکیت ادبی و هنری، با هدف ایجاد انگیزه برای آفریننده و حمایت از دستاوردهای خلاقانه وی، از آثار او حمایت به عمل می آید. یکی از این آثار، شخصیت های خیالی هستند که نقش تأثیرگذاری در زندگی روزمره و فعالیت های سرگرمی ما دارند. این شخصیت ها انواع گوناگونی را شامل می شوند که می توانند در آثاری چون فیلم، کتاب، برنامه رایانه ای و غیره تجلّی پیدا کنند. پرسش اساسی مقاله حاضر این است که آیا امکان حمایت مستقل از شخصیت های خیالی در نظام حقوق مالکیت ادبی و هنری وجود دارد؟ به این منظور با استفاده از روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، از رویه قضایی دادگاه ها، به ویژه آمریکا، برای تبیین مبانی حقوقی و تعریف عناصر، امکان و معیار حمایت از شخصیت های خیالی استفاده شده است. این رویه خود می تواند الگویی برای حقوق سایر کشورها از جمله ایران باشد. دستاورد پژوهش این است که با در نظر گرفتن آزمون های توصیف متمایز، داستان روایت شده و آزمون سه بخشی و رعایت شرایط آزمون های پیش گفته، امکان حمایت مستقل از شخصیت های خیالی در نظام کپی رایت وجود دارد

Protection of Fictional Characters in Literary and Artistic Property Law System

In contemporary intellectual property law, literary and artistic property rights extend beyond mere movies or literary works to encompass the fictional characters integral to these creative endeavors. This legal support not only serves to inspire creators but also to safeguard their imaginative achievements. Among these creations, fictional characters hold a profound influence over our daily lives and entertainment pursuits, spanning various media such as movies, books, and computer programs. Iconic figures like Sherlock Holmes, Batman, and Superman exemplify the significant fictional characters that have received such protection. Given the vast diversity of fictional characters, it becomes imperative to secure the rights of their creators, thereby fostering the necessary motivation for their ongoing creativity. Consequently, the principal objective of this article is to delve into the mechanisms by which fictional characters are safeguarded within the framework of literary and artistic property rights. Specifically, the article seeks to address whether it is feasible to independently protect these characters within this legal structure.To achieve this goal, a descriptive-analytical methodology is employed, drawing upon court jurisprudence, particularly in the United States, to elucidate the legal underpinnings and delineate the elements, possibilities, and criteria for protecting fictional characters. Central to this examination are discussions on the concept of fictional characters, methodologies for protection, criteria for identifying infringements, proprietary rights, and protected elements. Moreover, it is important to note that data collection for this article follows a documentary and library-based approach. Utilizing the library method, a cornerstone of scientific research, ensures a comprehensive exploration of existing literature and resources. Through this methodological framework, data is systematically gathered and analyzed using a descriptive-analytical lens. The article concludes that fictional characters can indeed be independently supported, distinct from the larger artistic work. These characters are defined as "abstractions eliciting a response in the mind of the reader or viewer through written or spoken words." Consequently, certain guiding principles must be observed in supporting fictional characters, notably the principle of " idea-expression dichotomy." In the realm of works in in Literary and Artistic Property Law System, protection extends to the tangible expression of the work, rather than the underlying ideas. The work is defined as "the expression of creative and original literary and artistic thoughts of the creator that has been established in the outside world." Additionally, authenticity and fixation conditions are pivotal for support, ensuring the character's origin from the creator and its objective manifestation. Further examination focuses on tests designed to assess potential violations of fictional character rights, such as the " Distinct Delineation Test," the " Story being told test,” And the "three-part test." These tests evaluate elements such as physical appearance, identity, evolution, and narrative significance. Ultimately, an analysis of relevant cases demonstrates that courts recognize the possibility of independently protecting fictional characters, provided they exhibit originality and developed expression. The application of such tests within judicial procedures serves to bolster creator motivation, stimulate creative endeavors, and attract investment in cultural and artistic domains, alongside other cultural and social pursuits
